Inventory Checklists

*hidden/further steps required to obtain

Earth Break

Season 1: Omega Protocol

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 1

  • Physical Contents

    • Canteen
    • Circuit Board
    • Contact Letter
    • ID Card
    • ID Holder
    • Memorial Card
    • Password Card
    • Patch
    • Personnel Form
    • Propaganda Flyer
    • Quick Start Guide
    • Resident Handbook
  • Digital Contents

    • NACS Facility Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 2

  • Physical Contents

    • 13 Model Pieces
    • Coded Message 1
    • Coded Message 2
    • Coded Message 3
    • Contact Letter
    • Field Notes
    • Incident Report
    • Item Recovery List
    • Necklace
    • Password Card
    • USB
  • Digital Contents

    • NACS Facility Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 3

  • Physical Contents

    • Coded Message 1
    • Coded Message 2
    • Coded Message 3
    • Contact Letter
    • Doctor's Guide
    • Field Note Propaganda
    • Messenger Bag
    • Noodle Packet
    • Password Card
    • Patient Notes
    • Rotating Puzzle
  • Digital Contents

    • NACS Facility Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 4

  • Physical Contents

    • Biohazard Bag
    • Contact Letter
    • Electrical Schematics
    • Manifesto
    • Password Card
    • PATRICIA Code Analysis
    • Public Announcement
    • Test Strip
    • Tile Puzzle
    • Vial and Solution
  • Digital Contents

    • NACS Facility Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 5

  • Physical Contents

    • Contact Letter
    • Council Orientation
    • Council Pin
    • Council Vote Reminder
    • Exile Notice
    • FBI Badge
    • Jordan's Statement
    • Laila's Announcement
    • Password Card
    • Puzzle Box
    • Stopwatch
  • Digital Contents

    • NACS Facility Website

Season 2: Frequency

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 1

  • Physical Contents

    • Alien Map Pawns
    • Drawstring Pouch
    • Jeremy Map Pawn
    • Jordan's Report
    • Laila's Letter
    • Madeline Map Pawn
    • Map Marker
    • Notebook
    • Pawn Holders
    • Pencil
    • Salvador Map Pawn
    • Terrain Map
    • Written Note
  • Digital Contents

    • EB Ranger Online Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 2

  • Physical Contents

    • Handwritten Message
    • Large Map Detail
    • Letter
    • Report Update
    • Small Map Detail
    • Survival Journal
    • Team Log
    • Town Map
  • Digital Contents

    • EB Ranger Online Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 3

  • Physical Contents

    • Biotech Disc
    • Biotech Sketch
    • Blueprint
    • Hacker Index
    • Large Map Details
    • Report Update
    • Small Map Detail
  • Digital Contents

    • EB Ranger Online Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 4

  • Physical Contents

    • Alien Map Pawns
    • Intercepted Note
    • Jeremy's Alien Codex
    • Jeremy's Letter
    • Jordan's Map Pawn
    • Map Detail
    • Pawn Holders
    • Ration Box
    • Report Update
    • Tower Map Pawn
  • Digital Contents

    • EB Ranger Online Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 5

  • Physical Contents

    • Large Map Details
    • Love Letter
    • PATRICIA's Circuit Board
    • Report Update
    • Small Map Detail
    • Theo's Journal
  • Digital Contents

    • EB Ranger Online Website

Empty Faces

Season 1: The Woods

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 1

  • Physical Contents

    • Doctor's Memo
    • Grace's Instructions
    • Letter from Grace
    • Moon Pendant
    • Sage Bundle
    • Scanned Diary Pages
    • Tree Rubbing
  • Digital Contents

    • Kayla Bella Magic Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 2

  • Physical Contents

    • The Blue House Passage
    • Doctor's Memo
    • Doctor's Photo
    • Enchanted Paper
    • Feather
    • Letter from Grace
    • Prism
    • Scanned Diary Pages
    • Spirit Alphabet Note
  • Digital Contents

    • Kayla Bella Magic Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 3

  • Physical Contents

    • Black Candle
    • Doctor's Memo
    • Door Rubbing
    • Journey to the Mountaintop
    • Letter from Grace
    • Letter from Kayla
    • Scanned Diary Pages
    • Shadow Vista
    • Twine + Beads
  • Digital Contents

    • Kayla Bella Magic Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 4

  • Physical Contents

    • The Blue House Passage
    • Doctor's Memo
    • Iron Nail
    • Letter from Grace
    • Letter from Kayla
    • Scanned Diary Pages
    • Spell Instructions
    • Vial of Dirt
  • Digital Contents

    • Kayla Bella Magic Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 5

  • Physical Contents

    • Cicada Talisman
    • Fireproof Dish
    • Letter from Grace
    • Letter from Kayla
    • Lost in the Labyrinth Page
    • Note from Isabella
    • Obituary
    • Photo of Isabella
    • Piece of Lace
    • Spell Instructions
  • Digital Contents

    • I Know Dark Clouds Website
    • Kayla Bella Magic Website

Season 2: The Mountain

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  • Physical Contents

    • Bead Bracelet with Explanation
    • Handwritten Note
    • Headphones
    • Letter from Frederick
    • Meditation Coupon
    • Prayer Card
    • Radiant Mountain Flyer
    • Veridiction of Raven Welgram III
  • Digital Contents

    • Radiant Mountain Website
    • Radiant Mountain Survivors Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 2

  • Physical Contents

    • Exegesis of Elucidation
    • Handwritten Note
    • Labyrinth Weaver
    • Letter from Frederick
    • Meditation Card with Pin
    • Patterned Print
    • Secrets of the Labyrinth Weaver
    • Veridical Codex Lux
  • Digital Contents

    • Radiant Mountain Website
    • Radiant Mountain Survivors Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 3

  • Physical Contents

    • Abigail's Divine Chronicle Entry
    • Daniel's Platform
    • Handwritten Note
    • Incense Burner
    • Incense Cone
    • Letter from Daniel
    • Meditation Card with Pin
    • Note from Frederick to Daniel
    • Note from Raven Welgram III
    • Veridical Codex Umbra
  • Digital Contents

    • Radiant Mountain Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 4

  • Physical Contents

    • Assignment Envelope
    • Charlotte's Divine Chronicle Entry
    • Deck of Cards
    • Divination Ritual
    • Eye Mask
    • Letter from Daniel
    • Meditation Card with Pin
    • Newspaper Clippings
    • Propaganda Poster
  • Digital Contents

    • Radiant Mountain Website
    • Radiant Mountain Survivors Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 5

  • Physical Contents

    • Experiment Memo
    • Letter from Charlotte
    • Letter from Daniel
    • Map
    • Meditation Card with Pin
    • Mural
    • Photograph
    • Token of Ash
    • Veridiction of the Raven
    • VoiceStrip
  • Digital Contents

    • Radiant Mountain Website

Season 3: The Mine

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  • Physical Contents

    • Cooper's Rock Keychain
    • Letter from Museum Curator
    • Letter from Museum Director
    • Meeting Minutes
    • Museum Brochure
    • Museum Tote Bag
    • Profile of Miner
    • Regional Folklore Booklet
  • Digital Contents

    • Cooper Heritage Center Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 2

  • Physical Contents

    • Bracelet
    • Exhibit Research
    • Journal Entries
    • Letter from Museum Curator
    • Letter from Museum Director
    • Miner's Postcard
    • Mining Company Memo
    • Newspaper Clipping
    • Stone Token
  • Digital Contents

    • Cooper Heritage Center Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 3

  • Physical Contents

    • Cooper's Rock Keychain
    • Letter from Museum Curator
    • Letter from Museum Director
    • Meeting Minutes
    • Museum Brochure
    • Museum Tote Bag
    • Profile of Miner
    • Regional Folklore Booklet
  • Digital Contents

    • Cooper Heritage Center Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 4

  • Physical Contents

    • David's Notes
    • Instructions from Elin
    • Letter from Museum Curator
    • Letter from Museum Director
    • Mining Company Map
    • Museum Decal
    • Otherworld Map
    • Otherworld Spell Part 2
    • Possession Test
    • Woven Steel
  • Digital Contents

    • Cooper Heritage Center Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 5

  • Physical Contents

    • Arawn's Poison
    • David's Notes
    • Instructions from Elin
    • Letter from Museum Curator
    • Letter from Museum Director
    • LVL Letter
    • Message from David
    • Museum Patch
    • Newspaper Clipping
    • Otherworld Document
  • Digital Contents

    • Cooper Heritage Center Website
    • Strahlenberg Website

Hunt a Killer: Horror

Blair Witch: Season 1

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  • Physical Contents

    • Bracelet
    • Interview Transcript
    • Letter from Rosemary
    • Liam's Behavioral Record
    • Liam's Notebook
    • Magazine Spread
    • Map of Burkittsville
    • Missing Person Report
    • Newspaper Article
    • Pen
  • Digital Contents

    • Good Fences Screenshot
    • Kent Case Website
    • Missing Person Flyer
    • Rosemary's Blog Posts
    • *Rosemary's Update
    • *SuperNeutral Podcast: The Blair Witch

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 2

  • Physical Contents

    • Carved Figurine
    • Disciplinary Report
    • Handwritten Letter
    • Historical Society Security Reports
    • Letter from Rosemary
    • Liam's Correspondence
    • Liam's Pencil Case
    • Lore Pamphlet
  • Digital Contents

    • Good Fences Screenshot #2
    • Kent Case Website
    • Rosemary's Blog Posts #2
    • *Rosemary's Update
    • *SuperNeutral Podcast: The Bell Witch

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 3

  • Physical Contents

    • Carver's Message
    • Carving
    • Crayon
    • Folklore Booklet
    • Letter from Rosemary
    • Liam's Drawing
    • School Disciplinary Note
    • School Folder
    • Search Party Report
    • Security Report
  • Digital Contents

    • Good Fences Screenshot #3
    • Kent Case Website
    • Photo of Liam's Possessions
    • Rosemary's Blog Posts #3
    • *Rosemary's Update
    • *SuperNeutral Podcast: Banshees

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 4

  • Physical Contents

    • Account of Search Party Expedition
    • Anthony's Note
    • Black Hills Forest Map
    • Building Records
    • Carver's Message
    • Compass
    • Historical Reenactment Script
    • Letter from Rosemary
    • Magnifying Glass
  • Digital Contents

    • Good Fences Screenshot #4
    • Kent Case Website
    • Rosemary's Blog Posts #4
    • *Rosemary's Update
    • *SuperNeutral Podcast: Bigfoot

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 5

  • Physical Contents

    • Beanie
    • Cigarette Case
    • *Henry's Note
    • Letter from Anthony
    • Logging Company Personnel Files
    • Rosemary's Journal Pages
    • Shutdown Report
    • Tree Rubbings
  • Digital Contents

    • Good Fences Screenshot #5
    • Kent Case Website
    • Rosemary's Blog Posts #5
    • *Rosemary's Update
    • *SuperNeutral Podcast: Haunted Houses

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  • Physical Contents

    • Family Portrait
    • Letter from Anthony
    • Love Notes
    • Newspaper Article
    • Note from Carver
    • Rosemary's Journal Pages
    • Shadow Construct
    • Stickman Pendant
  • Digital Contents

    • Kent Case Website
    • *Locked Video File
    • Rosermary's Blog Posts #6
    • *SuperNeutral Podcast: The Mothman
    • *SuperNeutral Podcast: Special Announcement

Blair Witch: Season 2

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 1

  • Physical Contents

    • Black Envelope
    • Diner Placemat
    • Help Wanted Flyer
    • Letter from Anthony to Ed
    • Letter from Ed
    • Picture of Kent House
    • SuperNeutral Notebook
    • *Teeth
    • *Welcome Card
  • Digital Contents

    • Before Burkittsville Audio
    • Blog Post from Recon Team
    • *Ed's Victory Audio
    • Interview Audio
    • *Introductions SuperNeutral Episode
    • SuperNeutral Message Boards
    • SuperNeutral Podcast Website
    • Text Between Emma & Ray

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 2

  • Physical Contents

    • Keychain
    • Letter from Ed
    • Letter from Harriett
    • Notepad Pages
    • Private Eye Report
    • Punch-Out Cabin
    • Radio Tower Log
    • Signs & Symptoms Poster
    • Training Manual
  • Digital Contents

    • *Bennington Triangle SuperNeutral Episode
    • *Ed's Victory Audio
    • *Electrical Interface
    • Graffiti Picture
    • *"Listen" Note from Harriett
    • Official Warning
    • *Rhymes of Burkittsville Introduction
    • SuperNeutral Podcast Website
    • Updated SuperNeutral Message Boards

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 3

  • Physical Contents

    • Car Rental Agreement
    • Ed's Prepared Speech
    • Filming Permit Application
    • Knitting Betty Doll
    • Letter from Ed
    • Play Advertisement
    • Police Report
    • Ranger Incident Reports
    • Ration Box
    • Survival Guide
  • Digital Contents

    • Audio from Emma's Phone
    • Audio from Ray's Phone
    • *Ed's Victory Audio
    • *"House" Note from Harriett
    • *Knitting Betty SuperNeutral Episode
    • *Photo of Partial Map
    • *Rhymes of Burkittsville: Tales of the Creek
    • SuperNeutral Podcast Website
    • Updated SuperNeutral Message Boards

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 4

  • Physical Contents

    • Casting Call Poster
    • Finger Bone
    • Flare Gun Package
    • Have You Seen This Man Poster
    • James's Notebook Pages
    • Letter from Ed
    • Letter to Wife
    • Witch-Hunting Manuscript
  • Digital Contents

    • *Ed's Victory Audio
    • *"Flower" Note from Harriett
    • Photo of Carved Flesh
    • *Rhymes of Burkittsville: Hunting Games
    • Shutdown Production Letter
    • SuperNeutral Podcast Website
    • Updated SuperNeutral Message Boards
    • *Will-o'-the-Wisps SuperNeutral Episode

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 5

  • Physical Contents

    • Amateur Comic Book Page
    • Comic Book Page
    • Homesteader Letter
    • Letter from Ed
    • Monster Trading Card
    • Note from Harriett
    • Refrigerator Magnet
    • Ticket
    • Tooth Fairy Card
    • Veterinary Form
  • Digital Contents

    • *"Carving" Note from Harriett
    • *Dog Collar Photo
    • *Doppelgangers SuperNeutral Episode
    • *Ed's Victory Audio #1
    • *Ed's Victory Audio #2
    • *Ed's Victory Audio #3
    • *Inspection Notes
    • Picture of the Kents' Living Room
    • *Rhymes of Burkittsville: Screaming Sheep
    • Screenshot of Good Fences Post
    • SuperNeutral Podcast Website
    • *Tree Carving Photo
    • Updated SuperNeutral Message Boards

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 6

  • Physical Contents

    • Additional James's Notebook Pages
    • Bone Necklace
    • Building Plans
    • Carved Figure
    • Children Photograph
    • Child's Drawing
    • Letter from Harriett
    • Ripped Note in Envelope
    • Transcribed Audio
  • Digital Contents

    • *"Bird" Note from Harriett
    • Corrupted Video
    • *Epilogue SuperNeutral Episode
    • *The Lost Colony of Roanoke SuperNeutral Episode
    • *Rhymes of Burkittsville: Kids in a Crate
    • SuperNeutral Podcast Website
    • SuperNeutral Recording
    • Transcribed Audio
    • Updated SuperNeutral Message Boards

Hunt a Killer: Mystery

Season 1: Awakening

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  • Physical Contents

    • John William James Letter
    • Listening Friends of America Letter
    • Paper Cup
    • Photocopy of Newspaper Article
    • The Star Chart
    • The String
    • The Swan
  • Digital Contents

    • ...Listening Friends of America Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 2

  • Physical Contents

    • "The Dragon Devouring the Companions of Cadmus" Print
    • John William James Letter
    • Listening Friends of America Letter
    • Lloyd McGowan Personal File
    • The Poem
    • Tooth
  • Digital Contents

    • ...Listening Friends of America Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 3

  • Physical Contents

    • Alphabet Card
    • Bloodied Pen
    • John William James Letter
    • Listening Friends of America Letter
    • Medical Bracelet
    • Photograph of a Red-Painted Barn
  • Digital Contents

    • *Audio File
    • ...Listening Friends of America Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 4

  • Physical Contents

    • Faustus Print
    • John William James Letter
    • Letter from Dr. William Richter to Samuel J. Hawkins
    • Listening Friends of America Letter
    • "The Ohio Farmer" Page
    • Toy
  • Digital Contents

    • ...Listening Friends of America Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 5

  • Physical Contents

    • "Concord Point Lighthouse" Postcard
    • John William James Letter
    • Letter from Heather to JWJ
    • Listening Friends of America Letter
    • Listening Friends of America Pencil
    • Newspaper Clipping
    • Photocopy of Newspaper Clippings
  • Digital Contents

    • ...Listening Friends of America Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 6

  • Physical Contents

    • *Child's Card
    • Coded Lock
    • Email Printout
    • Jacob's Plastic Bag
    • John William James Letter
    • Listening Friends of America Letter
    • Marybeth Anna James Memorial Card
    • Porcelain Pig
    • Second Letter from Heather
  • Digital Contents

    • ...Listening Friends of America Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 7

  • Physical Contents

    • Compass
    • The Dragon Swan
    • John William James Letter
    • List of Coordinates
    • Marybeth Anna James Medical Records
    • Polaroid
    • Porcelain Pig
    • Traveler Ads
  • Digital Contents

    • ...Listening Friends of America Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 8

  • Physical Contents

    • John William James Letter
    • John William James Patient File
    • Library Cards
    • Listening Friends of America Pen
    • Memo from Felix
    • Pig Figurine
  • Digital Contents

    • *Finale Video

Season 2: Transformation

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 1

  • Physical Contents

    • Copied Image of Coffee Filter
    • Crystal
    • Handwritten Note
    • John William James Letter
    • Listening Friends of America Letter
    • "Merry-Go-Round" Print
    • Nut
    • Slip of Paper
    • Talaria Letter
  • Digital Contents

    • Whispers from Theodorus Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 2

  • Physical Contents

    • Beehive Print
    • John William James Letter
    • Newspaper Article
    • Plastic Jar
    • Swirled Text Print
    • Talaria Letter
    • Toy Train
  • Digital Contents

    • Whispers from Theodorus Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 3

  • Physical Contents

    • Aaron de Vaille Letter
    • Employee of the Month Flyer
    • Facebook Screenshot
    • Happy Balloon Activity
    • John William James Letter
    • Map Screenshot
    • Newspaper Article
    • Rune Message
    • Talaria Letter
    • Website Profile Screenshot
  • Digital Contents

    • Whispers from Theodorus Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 4

  • Physical Contents

    • Aaron de Vaille Letter
    • Block Message
    • Constellation Print
    • Handwritten Note from Bob
    • Heck on Wheels Business Card
    • John William James Letter
    • Plastic Eye
    • Talaria Letter
  • Digital Contents

    • *Heck on Wheels Private Page
    • Heck on Wheels Website
    • Whispers from Theodorus Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 5

  • Physical Contents

    • Aaron de Vaille Letter
    • Dragon Swan Disciple List
    • John William James Letter
    • Silver Necklace
    • Talaria Letter
    • Wolf Print
  • Digital Contents

    • Whispers from Theodorus Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 6

  • Physical Contents

    • Aaron de Vaille Letter
    • Dragon Swan Manifesto
    • Letter from Felix
    • Listening Friends of America Pin
    • Talaria Letters 1 & 2
    • Wolf Symbol Message
  • Digital Contents

    • A Shift in Power Website

Season 3: Initiation

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 1

  • Physical Contents

    • Letter from Felix
    • Letter from Friend
    • Letter from Sylvia
    • Listening Friends of America Letter
    • Newspaper Clipping
    • Patient File
    • Pocket Watch
    • Thaumatrope
    • Vault Print
  • Digital Contents

    • ...Listening Friends of America Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 2

  • Physical Contents

    • Grasshopper Print
    • Jewelry Box
    • Letter from Jasper
    • Letter from Sylvia
    • Listening Friends of America Letter
    • Memo from Sheriff
    • Note from Felix
    • Photo of Desk
    • Scanned Journal Page
  • Digital Contents

    • ...Listening Friends of America Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 3

  • Physical Contents

    • Knots to Know Print
    • Letter from Jasper
    • Letter from Sheriff
    • Letter from Sylvia
    • Listening Friends of America Letter
    • Note from Felix
    • Paracord
    • Photo of Corpse
    • Sheriff's Supplemental Report
    • Staff Calendar
    • Stallion Necklace
  • Digital Contents

    • ...Listening Friends of America Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 4

  • Physical Contents

    • Anatomy Paper Doll
    • Gear
    • ID Badge
    • Letter from Jasper
    • Letter from Sheriff
    • Letter from Sylvia
    • Listening Friends of America Letter
    • Note from Felix
    • Paper Organs
    • Travel To-Do List
  • Digital Contents

    • ...Listening Friends of America Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 5

  • Physical Contents

    • Cassette Tape Case
    • Clock Face Print
    • Jeweler's Loupe
    • Letter from Jasper
    • Letter from Sheriff
    • Letter from Sylvia
    • Listening Friends of America Letter
    • Newspaper Article
    • Note from Felix
    • Obituary
  • Digital Contents

    • ...Listening Friends of America Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 6

  • Physical Contents

    • Cricket Toy
    • Employee Directory
    • Fire Escape Map
    • Frog Diagram
    • Letter from Jasper
    • Listening Friends of America Letter
    • Note from Felix
    • Picture Frame
    • Repair Log
  • Digital Contents

    • *Archives Backdoor
    • ...Listening Friends of America Website

Season 4: Vindication

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  • Physical Contents

    • Business Card
    • Color by Number
    • Court Documents
    • Enamel Pin
    • Letter from Felix
    • Letter from Friend
    • Letter from Kingsley
    • Second Chance Letter
    • Watercolor Palette
  • Digital Contents

    • Hartwell Memorial Website
    • King Law Law Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 2

  • Physical Contents

    • Bug in Resin
    • Closing Statement Copy
    • Financial Statement
    • Letter from Penny
    • *List of Coordinates
    • Magazine Page
    • Modeling Sand
    • Note from Patient 7166
    • Penny's Painting
    • Psychiatric Evaluation Document
    • Second Chance Letter
  • Digital Contents

    • ...Listening Friends of America Second Chance Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 3

  • Physical Contents

    • COBRA Memo
    • Cross-stitch Panel
    • Cross-stitch Pattern
    • FSTDM Page
    • Letter from Penny
    • Magazine Page
    • Needle
    • Note from Patient 7166
    • Penny's Painting
    • Postcard Copy
    • Second Chance Letter
    • Stuffed Pig
    • Yarn

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 4

  • Physical Contents

    • COBRA Memo
    • Flextangle Print
    • Friendship Bracelet
    • Incident Report
    • Letter from Kingsley
    • Letter from Penny
    • Magazine Page
    • Note from Patient 7166
    • Penny's Painting
    • Second Chance Letter
    • Stress Ball

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 5

  • Physical Contents

    • COBRA Memo
    • Financial Document
    • Jigsaw Puzzle
    • Letter from Kingsley
    • Letter from Penny
    • Mirror
    • Note from Sven
    • Penny's Painting
    • Playing Card
    • Second Chance Letter
  • Digital Contents

    • ...Listening Friends of America Second Chance Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 6

  • Physical Contents

    • Crime Scene Photos
    • Keychain
    • Letter from Felix
    • Letter from Penny
    • Letter from Penny to Felix
    • Marionette Cross
    • Missing Persons Report
    • Newspaper Clipping
    • Penny's Painting
    • Report from Agent Kelly
    • Second Chance Letter
  • Digital Contents

    • Penny in Paris Website

Season 5: Class of '98

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  • Physical Contents

    • Crime Scene Description
    • High School Yearbook
    • Incomplete Timeline
    • Investigation Waiver
    • Koozie
    • Letter from Private Investigator
    • Letter from Sheriff
    • Map of Chestnut Falls
    • Newspaper Article
    • Witness Statements
  • Digital Contents

    • MacDonagh Case Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 2

  • Physical Contents

    • 911 Transcript
    • Autopsy Report
    • Class Ring
    • Email Chain
    • High School Reunion Program
    • Legal Complaint
    • Letter from Private Investigator
    • Love Note
    • Newspaper Article
    • Prescription
    • Suspect Photos
    • Tin Box
    • Witness Statements
  • Digital Contents

    • MacDonagh Case Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 3

  • Physical Contents

    • Bank Statement
    • Corpse Photos
    • Drug Test Survey
    • Letter from Private Investigator
    • Opal Necklace
    • Pawn Shop Receipt
    • Pharmacy Ledger
    • *Slip of Paper
    • Socks
    • Toxicology Report
  • Digital Contents

    • MacDonagh Case Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 4

  • Physical Contents

    • LA Today Newspaper Clipping
    • Letter from Private Investigator
    • LFoA Internal Memo
    • Local Newspaper Clipping
    • Matsoukas' Witness Statement
    • Phone Records
    • Small Note
    • Toy Doll
    • Valentine's Day Card
  • Digital Contents

    • MacDonagh Case Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 5

  • Physical Contents

    • Bar Tab Receipt
    • CD Case
    • Crayon Drawing
    • Fanny Pack
    • Funeral Pamphlet
    • Interview Transcript
    • Letter from Private Investigator
    • Ticket
    • Updated Witness Statements
  • Digital Contents

    • MacDonagh Case Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 6

  • Physical Contents

    • Combination Lock
    • Flash Drive
    • Hacky Sack
    • Letter from Private Investigator
    • Newspaper Clipping 1
    • Newspaper Clipping 2
    • Pawn Shop Record
    • Time Capsule Photo
    • Time Capsule Worksheet
    • Vandalism Incident Report
    • Vandalism Photo
  • Digital Contents

    • MacDonagh Case Website

Season 6: The Moon Summit Mystery

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 1

  • Physical Contents

    • Ami Letter
    • Autopsy
    • Bear Claw
    • Department Newsletter
    • Field Interviews
    • Incident Area Sketch
    • Incident Report
    • Multitool
    • Photograph
    • PI Letter
    • Wildlife Guide
  • Digital Contents

    • Moon Summit Case Website
    • Moon Summit National Park Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 2

  • Physical Contents

    • Ami Letter
    • Compass
    • Faculty Reviews
    • Hiking Medallion
    • PI Letter
    • Protest Article
    • Toby's Notebook Page
    • Topographical Map
    • Weekly Report
  • Digital Contents

    • Moon Summit Case Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 3

  • Physical Contents

    • Ami Letter
    • Documentary Storyboard
    • Email Chain
    • National Park Beanie
    • Postcard
    • Safety Protocols
    • Signal Mirror
    • Toby's Notebook Page
    • WiFi Usage Log
  • Digital Contents

    • Moon Summit Case Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 4

  • Physical Contents

    • Ami Letter
    • Character Notes
    • Field Journal Page
    • Luggage Tag
    • PI Letter
    • *Slip of Paper
    • Trap Sensor Log
    • Wallet
    • Weekly Report
  • Digital Contents

    • Moon Summit Case Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 5

  • Physical Contents

    • Ami Letter
    • Feline Bone
    • Flask
    • Injury Report
    • Photograph
    • Receipt
    • Termination Memo
    • Textbook Page
    • Weekly Report
  • Digital Contents

    • Moon Summit Case Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 6

  • Physical Contents

    • Ami Letter
    • Bookmark
    • Email Chain
    • Field Journal Page
    • Keychain
    • Lanyard
    • PI Letter
    • Pocket Journal
    • *Slip of Paper
    • Toby's Notebook Page
  • Digital Contents

    • Moon Summit Case Website

Season 7: Curtain Call

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 1

  • Physical Contents

    • Attic Inventory
    • Cadence Theatre Notebook
    • Cufflink
    • Forensic Report
    • Hector Letter
    • Julia Letter
    • PI Letter
    • Program
    • Rehearsal Notes
    • Ruth Note
  • Digital Contents

    • Michelle Gray Investigations Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 2

  • Physical Contents

    • Coded Letter
    • Delivery Slip
    • Enamel Theater Pin
    • Handkerchief
    • Hector Letter
    • Julia Letter
    • Ledger
    • Police Report
    • Stage Whisper Article
  • Digital Contents

    • Cadence Theatre Website
    • Michelle Gray Investigations Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 3

  • Physical Contents

    • Coded Letter
    • Coin Purse
    • Julia Letter
    • Poster Proof
    • Script Notes
    • Telegram
    • Theater Keychain
    • Train Ticket
    • Train Timetable
  • Digital Contents

    • Michelle Gray Investigations Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 4

  • Physical Contents

    • Blueprint Pieces
    • Cigarette Case
    • Interlude NYC Article
    • Julia Letter
    • Magazine Article
    • Police Report
    • Returned Letter
    • Ring
    • Song Lyrics
  • Digital Contents

    • Michelle Gray Investigations Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 5

  • Physical Contents

    • Bar Tab Receipt
    • CD Case
    • Crayon Drawing
    • Fanny Pack
    • Funeral Pamphlet
    • Interview Transcript
    • Letter from Private Investigator
    • Ticket
    • Updated Witness Statements
  • Digital Contents

    • Michelle Gray Investigations Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 6

  • Physical Contents

    • Appraisal Note
    • Bloodstained Letter
    • Coded Notes
    • Cufflink
    • Julia Letter
    • Key
    • Memoir Pages
    • Newspaper Clipping
    • Rap Sheet
    • Taxicab Receipt
  • Digital Contents

    • Michelle Gray Investigations Website

Season 8: Starstruck

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 1

  • Physical Contents

    • Accident Report
    • Band Merch Journal
    • Gel Pen
    • ID Board Photo
    • Magazine Page
    • PI Letter
    • Shannon Letter
    • Show Rider
    • Spike Chart
    • Venue Map
    • VIP Badge + Lanyard
    • Witness Statements
  • Digital Contents

    • Just4Fun Case Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 2

  • Physical Contents

    • Band Contract
    • Band Merch Blacklight
    • Band Poster
    • *Contract
    • Framed Group Photo
    • Handwritten Letter
    • Jake Interview
    • Photobooth Photo
    • Shannon Letter
    • Tabloid Page
  • Digital Contents

    • Just4Fun Case Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 3

  • Physical Contents

    • Charity Bracelet
    • Fan Zine
    • Handwritten Lyrics
    • Journal Pages
    • Napkin Contract
    • Photobooth Photo
    • Shannon Letter
    • Tabloid Report
    • Temporary Tattoo Sheet
  • Digital Contents

    • Just4Fun Case Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 4

  • Physical Contents

    • Amends Letter
    • Band Interview
    • Business Card
    • CD Booklet
    • CD Case + Sleeve
    • Facility Pamphlet
    • News Article Collage
    • Shannon Letter
    • Sobriety Coin
  • Digital Contents

    • Just4Fun Case Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 5

  • Physical Contents

    • *Band Figurines
    • Band Merch Bag
    • Court Document
    • Elimination Notes
    • Manager Note
    • Security Photo
    • Shannon Letter
    • Tabloid Article
    • Text Messages
  • Digital Contents

    • Just4Fun Case Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 6

  • Physical Contents

    • Court Testimony
    • Email Exchange
    • Gold Record Replica
    • Lozenge Tin
    • Phone Records
    • Reunion Article
    • Shannon Letter
    • Tabloid Update
    • Trace Evidence Report
    • Transparent Sheet
  • Digital Contents

    • Just4Fun Case Website

Season 9: Mallory Rock

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 1

  • Physical Contents

    • Accident Report
    • Dry Erase Marker
    • Gwen's Letter
    • The Lantern Magazine
    • Lighthouse Souvenir
    • Mallory Rock Map
    • Mallory Rock Notebook
    • Memorial Service Program
    • PI Letter
    • Printed Emails
    • Tourist Tips Brochure
  • Digital Contents

    • Bible Verse Link
    • Funeral Video Recording
    • Gwen/Sully Text Screenshot
    • Investigation Guide
    • Mallory Rock Town Website
    • Michelle Gray Investigations Website
    • Playlist Link

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 2

  • Physical Contents

    • Autopsy
    • Beth's Planner Page
    • Beth's Stone
    • Crumpled Note
    • Family Statements
    • Gwen's Letter
    • Jody's Note
    • Necklace
    • Store Flyer
  • Digital Contents

    • *CORA Folder
    • *Counseling Email Thread
    • Good Fences Inactivation Email
    • Good Fences Posts
    • *Jordan Email Thread
    • KeepSafe Link
    • Michelle Gray Investigations Website
    • *Ruby Photos
    • Ruby's ClikClak Video

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 3

  • Physical Contents

    • Bar Tab
    • Bridge Tragedy Article
    • Business Card
    • Crystal
    • Doodles
    • Gwen's Letter
    • Instructions
    • Pen
    • Town Council Meeting Transcripts
    • Town Council Newsletter Article
  • Digital Contents

    • Good Fences Monthly Digest
    • JWE Website Link
    • Michelle Gray Investigations Website
    • *Security Video

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 4

  • Physical Contents

    • Bridge Proposal
    • Clarence's Letter
    • Encoded Note 1
    • Encoded Note 2
    • Gwen's Letter
    • Ink Pad
    • Member List
    • Photo
    • Pocket Mirror
    • Stamp
    • Vote Record
  • Digital Contents

    • *Accounting Screenshot
    • *Bridge Group Email Thread
    • *Bridge Proposal
    • *Email Response from Bridge Trauma Group
    • Michelle Gray Investigations Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 5

  • Physical Contents

    • Bar Napkin
    • Bridge Incident Article
    • Bridge Review
    • Business Registration
    • Flashlight
    • Gwen's Letter
    • Hendricks Group Files
    • Message Bottle
    • Star Map
    • Trauma Worksheets
  • Digital Contents

    • Email from Martin
    • Friend Text
    • Hotel Video
    • Michelle Gray Investigations Website
    • Whiteboard Photo

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 6

  • Physical Contents

    • Card
    • Coin
    • Geological Survey
    • Good Fences Monthly Digest
    • Gwen's Letter
    • Mermaid
    • Photo of Jordan
    • Photo of Martin and Jody
  • Digital Contents

    • Jody's Interview
    • Jordan's Interview
    • Martin's Interview
    • Michelle Gray Investigations Website
    • Photo of Martin's Study
    • Ruby's Report

Season 10: Off the Record

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 1

  • Physical Contents

    • Ashley's Notebook
    • Ashley's Obituary
    • Frannie's Letter
    • Harold Bobblehead
    • Harold Brochure
    • Harold Button
    • Magazine Spread
    • Password Tips
    • Restraining Order
    • TFC Brochure
    • TFC Button
    • Town Map
  • Digital Contents

    • Ashley's Blog
    • Election Poll 1
    • *Evidence Note
    • *Frannie's Blog Update
    • *Judith Email
    • Judith Password Hint
    • Keep Safe Pro Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 2

  • Physical Contents

    • Ashley's Autopsy
    • Bar Towel
    • Comment Cards [x5]
    • Country Club Pamphlet
    • Frannie's Letter
    • High Fences Screenshots
    • Police Report
    • Receipts [x3]
    • Reggie's Note
    • Reservation Schedule
    • Shot Glass
    • TFC Event Flyer
    • Witness Statements
    • Work Orders Log
  • Digital Contents

    • Election Poll 2
    • *Fight Video
    • *Frannie's Blog Update
    • *Harold Richards Campaign Ad Video
    • Keep Safe Pro Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 3

  • Physical Contents

    • Ashley's Bag
    • A.S. Wavelength Printout
    • Bidding Sheet
    • Campaign Response
    • CarPuul Article
    • Cease and Desist Letter
    • Driver Profile
    • Frannie's Letter
    • Note Envelope
    • Note Pieces [x16]
    • Police Report
    • Reggie's Note
    • Suspect Wavelength Printouts
    • TFC Bobblehead
    • Witness Statements
  • Digital Contents

    • Election Poll 3
    • *Frannie's Blog Update
    • Keep Safe Pro Website
    • *Postcard Photo
    • *Private Message
    • TFC Interview

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 4

  • Physical Contents

    • Frannie's Letter
    • Harold Campaign Money Statements
    • Judith's Emails
    • *Note
    • Pill Case
    • Recording Transcripts
    • Reggie's Letter
    • Stress Squeeze
    • TFC Campaign Money Statements
    • Unfinished Article
  • Digital Contents

    • *Account Information
    • Election Poll 4
    • *Frannie's Blog Update
    • Keep Safe Pro Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 5

  • Physical Contents

    • Bookmark
    • Bowtie
    • Frannie's Letter
    • Mask
    • Photograph
    • Prison Letter Page 1
    • Prison Letter Page 2
    • Reggie's Letter
    • Text Message Logs
  • Digital Contents

    • Ashley's OffLine Portal
    • Ashley's Phone Notes
    • *Breaking News
    • Election Poll 5
    • *Frannie's Blog Update
    • Keep Safe Pro Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 6

  • Physical Contents

    • Ashley's Gift
    • Controlled Substance Records Materials
    • Documentary
    • Email Thread
    • Evidence Note
    • Fingerprint Records
    • Frannie's Key
    • Frannie's Letter
    • *Instructions
    • Lewis's Autopsy
    • Police Report
    • Reggie's Flower
    • Reggie's Letter
    • Sealed Envelope
  • Digital Contents

    • *Drawer Photos 1, 2, and 3
    • Election Poll 6
    • *Frannie's Epilogue
    • *Frannie's Video
    • Keep Safe Pro Website
    • *Kill Switch Message
    • *Reggie's Epilogue

Season 11: Royal Street

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 1

  • Physical Contents

    • Beads
    • Celestine's Obituary
    • Drink Menu
    • Letter from Sylvia
    • Magazine Article
    • Notebook
    • Parade Map
    • Program Insert
    • Storybook
    • Three Kings Ball Program
  • Digital Contents

    • Documentary Trailer
    • Good Fences Posts
    • *GoodFindzGuy59 Email
    • *Photo of Celestine's Desktop
    • *Photo of Sticky Note
    • Playlist
    • Royal Street Case Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 2

  • Physical Contents

    • Artist Statement
    • Celestine's Art [x3]
    • Float Sketches
    • Letter from Sylvia
    • Newspaper Article
    • Police Report
    • Suncatcher
  • Digital Contents

    • Crime Blotter
    • *Email from Officer Blake
    • *Hidden NOLA Blog
    • *Photo of the Emporium
    • Royal Street Case Website
    • *Sylvia's Video Update
    • *Texts from Athalie
    • *Texts from Ines
    • *Texts from Jay
    • *Texts from Nonah
    • *Texts from Zee
    • *Untitled Text File
    • *Zee's Voicemail

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 3

  • Physical Contents

    • Cemetery Guide
    • Chemical Analysis
    • Coroner Assistant's Notes
    • Float Toys [x3]
    • Letter from Sylvia
    • Parade Schedule
    • Pharmacy Inventory
    • Saint Expedite Card
    • Textbook Page
  • Digital Contents

    • Good Fences Posts
    • *GoodFindzGuy59 Email
    • *Parade Good Fences Post
    • Royal Street Case Website
    • Social Media Screenshots
    • *Sylvia's Video Update
    • Text from Ines

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 4

  • Physical Contents

    • Article Printout
    • Charter
    • Dog Court Notes
    • Dog Photos [x8]
    • Float Plans
    • Letter from Sylvia
    • Pirate Brothers Meeting Notes
    • Resignation Letter
    • Sunglasses
    • Sylvia's Notes
    • Tarot Cards [x6]
    • Versailles Meeting Minutes
  • Digital Contents

    • Mason and Dillon Recording
    • Photo of Mason and Dillon
    • Royal Street Case Website
    • Sylvia's Video Update

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 5

  • Physical Contents

    • Absinthe Spoon with Tag
    • Auction Catalog
    • Auction Winners List
    • Bidders List
    • Cocktail Napkin
    • Comic Book
    • Crown
    • Flyer
    • Letter from Sylvia
    • Photo Booth Photos [x3]
  • Digital Contents

    • *Locked Video
    • *Photo of Warehouse
    • Royal Street Case Website
    • *Sylvia's Video Update
    • Text to Ines from Cel
    • Three Kings Ball Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 6

  • Physical Contents

    • Ball Invitation
    • Costume Sketches
    • Dog Choreography Notes
    • Letter from Sylvia
    • Letter to Nonah in Envelope
    • Note from Ines
    • Photo of Dillon
    • Temporary Tattoo
  • Digital Contents

    • Animal Shelter Website
    • *Finale Video
    • Good Fences Posts
    • *GoodFindzGuy59 Email
    • Mason and Dillon Recording 2
    • *Pawn Shop Photo
    • *Photo of Celestine
    • Raw Documentary Footage
    • Royal Street Case Website
    • *Sylvia's Video Update

Season 12: Murder on Ice

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 1

  • Physical Contents

    • Autopsy Report
    • Contact Letter
    • Crime Scene Report
    • *Handwritten Note
    • Magazine Article
    • Nathan's Medal
    • Notebook
    • Rink Brochure
    • Security Log
    • Skate Bag
    • Suspect Interviews
  • Digital Contents

    • Blog Screenshot
    • *Finale Audio #1
    • Photo of Note
    • Rink Voicemail
    • Security Login Page
    • *Security Stills
    • Sofia's Journal #1
    • Three Pines Case Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 2

  • Physical Contents

    • Agenda Page
    • Article Draft
    • *Business Card
    • Card Holder (containing business card)
    • Contact Letter
    • Lillian and Marcus's Emails
    • Phone Accessory
    • Routine Evaluations
    • Written Requests
  • Digital Contents

    • *Birdlr Screenshots
    • Blog Screenshot #1
    • *Finale Audio #2
    • Sofia's Journal #2
    • *Text Screenshots
    • Three Pines Case Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 3

  • Physical Contents

    • ASA Complaints
    • Ashtray
    • Bulletin Post
    • Card from Nathan
    • Contact Letter
    • Dog Tag
    • Marcus's Memo
    • Note from Lillian
    • Rink Rules
  • Digital Contents

    • *Answering Machine Message
    • Birdlr Screenshots #3
    • Blog Screenshot #2
    • *Finale Audio #3
    • *Nathan's Login Page
    • *Nathan's Unsent Email Draft
    • Sofia's Journal #3
    • Three Pines Case Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 4

  • Physical Contents

    • Coaster
    • Contact Letter
    • Direct Message Screenshots
    • Dogsitter Directions
    • Keychain
    • Marcus's Invitation
    • Newspaper Article
    • Quick Start Guide
    • Sticky Note
    • Town Map
  • Digital Contents

    • Cease and Desist
    • *Finale Audio #4
    • Harrison's Deleted Post
    • *Hidden Camera Footage
    • Lillian's Deleted Post
    • Sofia's Journal #4
    • Three Pines Case Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 5

  • Physical Contents

    • Contact Letter
    • Contract
    • Instruction Sheet
    • Journal Page
    • Light Booth Presets
    • Mint Tin
    • Pin
    • *Pitch Deck
    • Pitch Folder
    • Rink Room Reservation Schedule
    • *Stickers
    • Team Morale Assessment
  • Digital Contents

    • *Finale Audio #5
    • Light Booth Feed
    • Photo of Locker Note
    • Sofia's Journal #5
    • Three Pines Case Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 6

  • Physical Contents

    • Carol's Emails
    • Contact Letter
    • Encoded Note
    • Marcus's Memoir Outtakes
    • Paperweight
    • Police Report
    • Registered Vehicle List
    • Sweatband
    • Welcome Packet
  • Digital Contents

    • *Epilogue
    • *Finale Video
    • Harrison's Post
    • *Office Video
    • *Safe Instructions
    • *Safe Instructions Audio
    • *Safe Photo #1
    • *Safe Photo #2
    • Sofia's Journal #6
    • Three Pines Case Website

Season 13: Renfaire Regicide

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 1

  • Physical Contents

    • Concert Poster
    • Heraldry Ring
    • Kickoff Event Invite
    • Letter from Art
    • Map of Tall Oaks
    • Medallion
    • Michelle Gray Letter
    • Renfaire Handbook
    • Request for Leave
    • Upcoming Changes List
  • Digital Contents

    • Annotated Outline
    • Fight Video
    • Good Fences Post
    • Meeting Minutes
    • Michelle Gray Investigations Website
    • Police Statement Video
    • Prison Recording
    • *Scarecrow Photo
    • White Hilt Website

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 2

  • Physical Contents

    • Excalibur
    • Forge Instructions
    • Hank's Autopsy
    • Jousting Practice
    • Letter from Art
    • List of Faire Duties
    • Mysterious Letter
    • Philosopher's Stone
    • Spell Instructions
    • Tarot Card
  • Digital Contents

    • *Bloody Costume Video
    • *Bonfire Concept Art
    • Good Fences Posts
    • Michelle Gray Investigations Website
    • *Morgan's True Story Video
    • Play Review
    • Scarecrow Photo
    • Suspect Interviews
    • White Hilt Faire Email Printout

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 3

  • Physical Contents

    • Internal Tournament Pitch
    • Inventory Log
    • Jester Jokes
    • Letter from Art
    • Magic Show Flyer
    • Skull Ring
    • Song Lyrics and Set List
    • Tournament Flyer
    • Urgent Care Receipt
  • Digital Contents

    • Bloody Costume Video
    • Cancellation Poster
    • Costume Analysis
    • Good Fences Posts
    • The Green Knight Concept Art
    • Incident Reports
    • Magic Show Photos
    • Michelle Gray Investigations Website
    • Morgan's True Story Video

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 4

  • Physical Contents

    • Anonymous List of Demands
    • Bestiary Packet
    • Cease and Desist Warning
    • Flower Brooch
    • Green Knight Letter
    • Hank's Will
    • Letter from Art
    • Pledge of Fealty
    • Trial Separation Request
  • Digital Contents

    • Company Memo
    • *Excalibur Concept Art
    • Expanded Kingdom Map
    • Good Fences Posts
    • *Groupchat Screenshots
    • *Meeting Notes
    • Michelle Gray Investigations Website
    • Tarot Event Pitch

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 5

  • Physical Contents

    • Cameron's Design
    • Chester's Expanded Kingdom Map
    • Cut Out Book Page
    • D10
    • Excalibur Forging Plans
    • Letter from Art
    • News Station Offer
  • Digital Contents

    • *Chester's Script Page
    • Good Fences Posts
    • Groupchat Screenshots
    • Home Security Stills
    • *King Uther Concept Art
    • Meeting Notes
    • Michelle Gray Investigations Website
    • *Royal Lounge Video
    • *Treasure Chest Video
    • Updated Screenshots
    • Vivian's Statement

Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 6

  • Physical Contents

    • Concert Ticket
    • Green Knight Threat
    • Knight Figure
    • Lawyer Bill
    • Letter from Art
    • Letter to Lynn
    • Severance Package Letter
    • Term Sheet
  • Digital Contents

    • Chester's Arrest Record
    • Chester's Script Page
    • *Exoneration Video
    • *Finale Video
    • Good Fences Posts
    • Letter of Resignation
    • Michelle Gray Investigations Website
    • *Questing Beast Concept Art
    • Royal Lounge Video
    • Stakeout Notes
    • Treasure Chest Video

Hunt a Killer: Premium


  • Physical Contents

    • Advert
    • Child's Toy
    • Finch's Personnel File
    • Flask
    • Handkerchief
    • Hat
    • Huber File
    • Kowalski Case
    • Matchbook
    • Napkin
    • Newspaper Article
    • *Note
    • Notepad
    • *Pendant
    • Small Box
    • *Telegram


  • Physical Contents

    • 6 Page Copy of Charter
    • Book The Prince
    • *Coded Notes [x4]
    • Copy of Handwritten Numbers
    • Coyote Charm
    • Crayon Note with the Number "3"
    • Family Tree
    • Flyer #1
    • Flyer #2
    • Green Pendant
    • Handwritten Note - Coded
    • Medicine Dropper
    • Memorial Card
    • Nursery Rhyme Clipping
    • Ode and Elegy to Beatrice
    • Postcard
    • Ring
    • Scrapbook
    • Skin
    • Small Latched Box


  • Physical Contents

    • Auction House Letter
    • Band Contract
    • Band Poster
    • DFF Letter
    • Drumstick
    • FLUF Album
    • FLUF Booklet
    • FLUF Commemorative Box
    • FLUF T-shirt
    • Guitar Pick
    • *Letter from Bobby to Whomever
    • *Letter from Sally to Bobby
    • *Note from Will to Bobby
    • Novelty Case File
    • *Obituary Article
    • Owl Illustrations
  • Digital Contents

    • Darryl Fanton Foundation Website
    • From Florida with Arts Website
    • Kids Music Wholesale Website
    • Noah's Song Website
    • Watchful Will Website

Aɢᴀᴛʜᴀ Cʜʀɪsᴛɪᴇ's Tʜᴇ Mʏsᴛᴇʀʏ ᴏғ Hᴜɴᴛᴇʀ's Lᴏᴅɢᴇ

  • Physical Contents

    • Banner
    • Ben's Envelope
    • Ben's Photograph
    • Blueprints
    • Burnt Paper
    • Cheque Envelope
    • Communique from Hastings
    • Construction Memo
    • Crime Scene Report
    • Cryptography Pamphlet
    • Diary
    • Event Invitation
    • Flask
    • *Investigation File
    • *Last Will and Testament
    • Letter from Poirot
    • Letter to Coahoma
    • Menu Draft
    • *Missing Journal Page
    • Nature Notes
    • Newspaper Article
    • *Obituary Card
    • Photograph of Pace and Wallace
    • Ring
    • Ripped Cheque
    • Roger's Criminal Records
    • Service Record
    • Theatre Poster
    • Unsigned Letter
    • *Watch

Bᴀᴋᴇʀ's Dᴏᴢᴇɴ

  • Physical Contents

    • Alex McMannis' Name Card
    • Anastasia Nalotrovna's Name Card
    • Apron
    • Autographed Headshot
    • Bakely Article
    • *Bakery Snapshot
    • Belle Buchanan's Contestant Profile
    • Camilla Siciliano's Contestant Profile
    • Chef's Hat
    • Chef's Reserve Proposals
    • Cookbook Forward
    • Edmund Cliffe's Contestant Profile
    • *Jam Jar
    • Jean-Marc Legrand's Contestant Profile
    • Julian Vargas's Contestant Profile
    • Letter from the Queen of Puddings
    • Letter to Matteo
    • Matteo Mancini's Name Card
    • Olivia de la Huerta's Name Card
    • Oven Mitt
    • Recipe Cards [x5]
    • Restaurant Review
    • *Shopping List
    • Summer Savage's Contestant Profile
    • Whisk Magazine Page
  • Digital Contents

    • Baker's Dozen Fan Mail Website

Bᴏᴅʏ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ Bᴏᴀʀᴅᴡᴀʟᴋ

  • Physical Contents

    • Arcade Flyer
    • Boardwalk Map
    • Engagement Photo
    • Fortune Slip
    • Keychain
    • Ledger Page
    • Locked Tin
    • Maria Letter
    • Meeting Minutes
    • Napkin
    • Negative Review
    • Newspaper Article
    • *Newspaper Clipping
    • *Note
    • Note Paper
    • *Peg Game
    • PI Letter
    • *PI Note
    • Popcorn Bag
    • Receipt
    • *Rental Log
    • Security Alert Email
    • Suspect Profiles
    • Witness Statement Postcards

Cᴀᴍᴘ Cᴀʟᴀᴍɪᴛʏ

  • Physical Contents

    • Anonymous Note
    • Arrowhead
    • Bandana
    • *Brad's Blackmail Note
    • Brad's Box
    • Camp Zine
    • Corkboard Notes
    • Crayon Art
    • Elliot's Letter
    • Friendship Bracelet
    • Jemma's Envelope
    • Jemma's Letter
    • Jemma's Notebook
    • Lighter
    • Map
    • Menu
    • Newspaper Clipping
    • *Note
    • Personnel Forms
    • Playing Cards [x6]
    • Sadiya Photo
    • Staff Memo
    • Staff Schedule
    • Trashed Letter
    • Window Stickies [x5]
  • Digital Contents

    • Ashburne Desktop Website
    • *BRN.TXT
    • *Compliment_vumail.pdf
    • *CurtisRequest_vumail.pdf
    • *Inspection_6_1.pdf
    • *Inspection_7_24.pdf
    • *new_recording1.mp3
    • *new_recording2.mp3
    • *Outtake1.mp3
    • *Outtake2.mp3
    • *Outtake3.mp3
    • *Outtake4.mp3
    • Sounds of Ashburne Audio
    • *ThankYou.mp3
    • *Voicemail

Dᴇᴀᴅ Bᴇʟᴏᴡ Dᴇᴄᴋ

  • Physical Contents

    • Bracelet
    • Ingredients List
    • Island Brochure
    • Island Flag
    • Island Itinerary
    • Letter from Jen
    • Locked Tin
    • Note to William
    • Prenuptial Agreement
    • Route Map
    • Ticket
    • Transcribed Communications
    • Unsigned Note
    • Yacht Rental Packet
  • Digital Contents

    • *Arrest Records
    • Captain's Log
    • Dawn Rogerstone Witness Statement Video
    • Essex Luxury Sea Tours Website
    • Group Text Chain
    • Javier Rackhams Witness Statement Video
    • Jen Hornigolder Witness Statement Video
    • Maria Read Witness Statement Video
    • Milo Teache Witness Statement Video
    • *Pages
    • Training Manual
    • Wedding Vision Board
    • *Welp Review
    • William Bonnys Witness Statement Video

Dᴇᴀᴅ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ Vɪɴᴇ

  • Physical Contents

    • Account Statement
    • Autopsy Report
    • Avi's Letter
    • *Darren's Letter
    • Dinner Invitation
    • Envelope of Shredder Waste
    • *Epilogue Letter
    • Family Group Texts
    • Gail's Locked Bag
    • Gail's Notebook
    • *Gail's Will
    • Maintenance Report
    • Map
    • Menu
    • *Newspaper Clipping
    • Photo of Gail's Bedroom
    • Photo of Gail's Office
    • Security Log
    • *Shredded Account Statement
    • *Shredded Fax
    • *Torn Notebook Page
    • Vineyard Brochure
    • Wine Charms [x2]
    • Wine Specials Menu
    • *Wine Stopper
    • Witness Statements

Dᴇᴀᴛʜ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ Dɪᴠᴇ Bᴀʀ

  • Physical Contents

    • Addressed Envelope
    • *Addressed Envelope #2
    • Bar Menu
    • Boot Photos [x2]
    • Boot Tread List
    • Bottle Opener
    • Coaster from Bar
    • Crime Scene Photo
    • Deputy Notes
    • Empty Matchbox
    • Good Fences Printout
    • Letter from Carmen
    • Letter from Private Investigator Michelle Gray
    • Locked Deposit Bag
    • Newspaper Article
    • *Newspaper Article
    • Nick's Notes
    • *Nick's Will
    • *PI Note
    • *Real Estate Email
    • Ritual Flyer
    • Security Camera Photo
    • Suspect Profiles
    • Threatening Note
    • Traffic Citation
  • Digital Contents

    • *Voicemail

Fɪɴᴇ Aʀᴛ Fᴏᴜʟ Pʟᴀʏ

  • Physical Contents

    • Answer Envelope
    • *Answer Sheet
    • *Art Program
    • *Auction Results
    • *Bank Check
    • *Blacklight
    • *Bottle Cap
    • *Business Card
    • Confession
    • Contact Letter
    • Evidence Envelope
    • *Gems of Logic
    • *Instructions [x5]
    • *Liquid Vials [x3]
    • List of Suspects
    • Locked Jewelry Box
    • *Logic Grid Puzzle
    • *Museum Photos [x3]
    • *Museum VIP Pass with Lanyard
    • *Partner Letter
    • *Photos [x5]
    • *pH Strips
    • Police Report
    • *Postcards [x5]
    • *Receipt
    • *Ripped Painting
    • *Rubylith Overlay
    • *Silent Auction Signature Sheet
    • *Ticket Stub
    • *Will of Deceased

Gʜᴀsᴛʟʏ Mᴀɴᴏʀ

  • Physical Contents

    • Baron Painting
    • Blacklight
    • The Contact Letter
    • Ectoplasm
    • Funeral Cards [x4]
    • Guestbook Page
    • Host Photo
    • Jewelry Box
    • Locket
    • Love Letter
    • Manor Map
    • Newspaper Article
    • Planchette
    • Spirit Box

Hᴀᴡᴛʜᴏʀɴ Jᴜɴᴄᴛɪᴏɴ

  • Physical Contents

    • Amanda's Diner Menu
    • Bingo's Diner Menu
    • Bingo's Diner Placemat
    • Blue Lizzy Art Print
    • Blue Lizzy Museum Brochure
    • Box of Crayons
    • Exterminator's Coupon
    • Hawthorn Farms Soap
    • Hawthorn Farmstead DVD
    • Hawthorn Farmstead Keychain
    • Hawthorn Farmstead Welcome Letter
    • Holy Water's Fellowship Church Pamphlet
    • Jenkin's General Mail Delivery Bag
    • Jenkin's General Store Circular
    • *Letter from Marla Frohman
    • Letter from Sarah Hawthorn
    • Lizzy on Main Festival Map
    • Lizzy on Main Poster
    • Lizzy on Main Trucker Hat
    • *Marla Frohman's Interview Notes
    • Missing Persons Article
    • Package to Mrs. Jenkin from Marla Frohman
    • Paula's Truck Stop Bathroom Photo
    • Paula's Truck Stop Coupon
    • Paula's Truck Stop Records
  • Digital Contents

    • Blue Lizzy Is Definitely Real Website
    • Visit Hawthorn Junction Website

Hᴏᴍɪᴄɪᴅᴇ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ Hᴇɪsᴛ

  • Physical Contents

    • Auction House Blueprint
    • Auction House Paddle
    • Auction House Pamphlet
    • Auction House Security Report
    • Bracelet
    • Bus Transcript
    • *Casino Letter
    • Crew Dossier
    • *Heist Plan
    • *Jeweler's Loupe
    • Letter from Vincent
    • Locked Box
    • *Newspaper Article 2
    • Newspaper Clipping
    • *Prescription
  • Digital Contents

    • Autopsy
    • Crime Scene Report
    • Nicky's Barcade Website
    • *Voicemail

Tʜᴇ Mᴇʟᴀɴᴄʜᴏʟʏ Kɪʟʟᴇʀ

  • Physical Contents

    • *Calling Card
    • Chapbook
    • Fan Club Poster
    • *Ferguson Profile
    • Incident Report
    • *Interoffice Memorandum
    • *Letter from Edgar Lee Dwyer
    • Letter from Warden
    • *Magazine Kite
    • Necklace
    • Newspaper Article
    • *Newspaper Kite
    • Pen
    • String Sculpture
    • *Yazzie Profile
  • Digital Contents

    • *Free Edgar Now Private Page
    • Free Edgar Now Website

Mᴜʀᴅᴇʀ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ Mᴏᴛᴇʟ

  • Physical Contents

    • *Breakup Note
    • Casino Report
    • Complaint Forms [x2]
    • Do Not Disturb Sign
    • EP Release Flyer
    • Family Photo
    • JRS Offer Letter
    • Julian's Journal
    • Keycard Activity Report
    • *"Key to the Casino" Touch Tool
    • Locked Keepsake Tin
    • Lost Keycard
    • Maintenance Request
    • Motel Room Invoices
    • Newspaper Clipping
    • PI Letter
    • *PI Note
    • Police Report
    • Song Lyrics (Napkin)
    • Song Lyrics (Notebook Paper)
    • Song Lyrics (Receipt)
    • Turtle in a Pouch
    • Veronica's Letter
    • Veronica's Notes

Nᴀɴᴄʏ Dʀᴇᴡ: Mʏsᴛᴇʀʏ ᴀᴛ Mᴀɢɴᴏʟɪᴀ Gᴀʀᴅᴇɴs

  • Physical Contents

    • Checklist
    • Drawing of Bouquet
    • Exhibit Brochure
    • Fax
    • Internship Evaluation Form
    • Letter from Nancy Drew
    • Locked Tin
    • *Magazine Article
    • Map of the Botanical Gardens
    • Nancy's Case Notes
    • *Nancy's Thank You Letter
    • Notebook Page
    • Persons of Interest Profiles
    • *Poison Plan [x26 pieces]
    • Postcard
    • *Ring
    • Seed Packets (Empty) [x3]
    • Sticky Note
    • *Tara's Research [x26 pieces]
    • Tea Strainer in Bag

R.I.P. ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ Rᴏᴅᴇᴏ

  • Physical Contents

    • Autopsy and Toxicology Report
    • Bolo Tie
    • *Debt Paper
    • *Divorce Party Photo
    • Letter from Rosario Garcia
    • Locked Tin
    • Newspaper Clipping
    • Patches' Framed Photo
    • Patches' Notebook
    • Pink Stationary Map
    • Ring
    • Rodeo Event Poster
    • Rodeo Program Guide
    • Store Receipt
    • Threatening Note
    • Witness Statements
  • Digital Contents

    • *Animal Meds Identification Guide
    • Hawk Springs Rodeo Website
    • July Calendar Page
    • *NEWGUY - CLAY
    • *NEWGUY - CLAY 2
    • *Notepad.txt
    • *Photo1.jpg
    • *Photo2.jpg
    • *Photo3.jpg
    • *Photo4.jpg
    • *Photo5.jpg
    • *Photo6.jpg
    • *Shipment Invoice
    • *Tracking.pdf

Sᴘᴀᴄᴇ Mᴀᴅɴᴇss

  • Physical Contents

    • Alien Notes
    • Black Box
    • *Blueprint
    • Constellation Map
    • Crew Log
    • *Guide to Mars
    • Lockbox
    • Mission Plan
    • Patches [x5]
    • Personnel Files
    • Shuttle Model
  • Digital Contents

    • StarFlight Travel Corp Website


  • Physical Contents

    • Doctor's Letter in Envelope
    • Dream Journal Page
    • Entertainment Monthly Article
    • Last Issue of The Comic Adventures of Supernova
    • *Locate a Loved One Screenshot
    • Locked Lunch Box
    • Mail-in Merch Page
    • Note from Neighbor
    • Original Ink Comic Page in Tube
    • *Publisher's Letter
    • Rogues Gallery Poster
    • *Ruth's Letter to Gunny
    • *Ruth's Letter to the Member
    • Supernova Fan Club Decoder Disc
    • Supernova Fan Club Letter
    • Supernova Fan Club Member Button
    • Supernova Fan Club Membership Card
    • Supernova Figurine
    • *Truth or Fantasy Ending Comic Page
  • Digital Contents

    • Gunny's Secret Contact Form
    • *Gunny's Voicemail
    • Halo Graham Foundation Website
    • *News Report


  • Physical Contents

    • 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle [994 pieces + 6 blank pieces]
    • Answer Board [24 pieces inside]
    • Detective's Notebook