The following poems and stories are dedicated to: Barbara Kaddatz, Elias Constance, Max Abbas (RIP), Steve Johnson (RIP), Kyle Hansen, Greg Allex, Amanda Augustine, Chewy Kaddatz (RIP), Ian Tjaden, Marilyn Manson, Eminem, Limp Bizkit, Metallica, System of a Down, Static-X (RIP Wayne Static), Disturbed, Korn, Linkin Park (RIP Chester Bennington), Staind, Alan Eller, Dan Ward, Anthony Thone, Travis Nesburg, Ali Abdi, Ray Hill (RIP), Jay Jensen, Tony Pribbenow, Abdirizak Farah, and Dustin LaQuess.
Out of respect for even the ASSHOLES named above, unless in the title or content, I will not include which people inspired which poems/stories.
There is no shame; admittedly, some of these just suck ass.
Despite some content, I have never been suicidal.
American Dream Denial
How come we only show the beauty
How come we don't show the horror
How come we only show the purity
How come we don't show the gore
We suck people in
Promising them riches
Only to enslave their bodies
With prolonged hours of toil
We say, "Come here to be free"
But in return you must be
A slave to our system
Read the fine print
America, the land of hope
The land of the brave
The land of the free
The land of pipe dreams
Why must
All my friends
Betray me
In such cruel ways
Either I trust you
I tell you things
You turn your back
And tell everyone
Or you play
Mind games
With me
And I forgive you
But you keep
On doing it
Again and again
I just never learn
I always lose
My friendships
Because of
Their betrayal
Don't ask me why
That's a question for them
I'm sick of being played
It's better to have no friends
That's why
I never bothered
Until this year
With you
Now you are
The most recent friend
To have the chance
To betray me
And guess what
You took that chance
I never really was your friend
Was I?
You were mine
But not anymore
You played too many mind games
Now you're done for
I shouldn't trust anybody
But yet I do
Can anybody tell me why
I always fall for the trap
It's better to have no friends
Than friends you can't trust
Friends who don't care for you
Friends who play you
Friends come
And friends go
But friends will always
Betray you sooner or later
Bleeding Heart
You broke my heart, motherfucker
Now you must die
You destroyed my life
Now you must die
Die, die, my little Greggy
Oh, wait, you're no longer mine
You broke my heart
For the very last time
I left it up to you
And you blew the whistle
You just cause me pain
How can I live without you
I opened my mind and my body to you
You did not appreciate me
You treated me like a queen
Yet at the same time like shit
Someday you'll know how it feels
Maybe you already do
I let you break my heart
So that I would not break yours
I give in
And you pull away
It always happens
The same old way
Day in, day out
That's how it goes
I thought you loved me
But there's no rose
Not anymore
After I give into you
No more attention
No more love
Complete ignoration
To my feelings
You're gonna pay
Don't think you can get out of it
Come here, baby
You're gonna get some, boy
I'm gonna break your
Puny little heart, boy
Just like you
Broke mine
I thought you cared for me
But it was all lies
I hope you burn in hell for this
I've been burned so many times
Broken Promise
I'm going to tell Kyle
What went on
During the time
Our friendship was gone
I really hope
He doesn't hate me
After I tell him
What had enslaved me
I told people
What he had asked me
He asked me if he
Could have sex with me
Although he really didn't
He just said what if
But it's the same thing
Or would you plead the fifth
He said he wouldn't hate me
And I hope he won't
When I tell him of
The promise I broke
It's so cold in here
So, so cold
Will you warm me
I don't think so
You only care
About yourself
Are you a selfish jerk
Answer me that
Are you hooked on yourself
I hope you're not
So cold
Put your arms around me
Please warm me
Comfort me
Please, cold
So, so cold
Come Away with Me
Nothing pretty here to see
Look at me and you will see
Only dirty here to see
Look at me and you will see
Come into my world
And you will see
Look into my black eyes
And you will see
Notice my anguish
Only you can see
Recognize my pain
Only you can see
Come with me
And make others see
Away from this place
And make others see
What's going on here?
I don't know anymore
I'm so confused
I need a break
To clear my head
Need to sort things out
What's going on here?
I don't know anymore
People aren't always
Who they seem
Saying one thing
To your face
Another to your back
I'm so damned confused
I don't know anymore
I don't care anymore
Darkness overcomes me
I feel black inside
I think you're petrified
Don't make me miss you
I haven't seen you in so long
But I still scare you
You are mindless around me
But that's alright
I control your mind
You can't stop me
No matter how hard you try
You can't stop me
Darkness overcomes me
I feel black inside me
I think you're petrified
Don't make me miss you
Who's in control
You or me
I am your hatred
I am your evil
You think you have control
But you don't
I control everything
Because I am what's inside
This craziness inside me
Always manages to come out
I try to stifle it and drown it
But it bubbles to the surface
I am sick of feeling crazy
And pushing people away
Every time I have someone
I let the real me out
Death to the Bitch
Hey, look in the ditch
There lies a bitch
She's on her knees
Saying please, please
The cock she wants
She won't get
As the guy she wants
Chops off her head
Hey, look in the ditch
There lies a bitch
Dead as can be
Now Kyle is free
Now she is dead
Like we all wished
We will never again
Have to see her pissed
Why do you love me
Do I deserve you
Why do you want me
When no one else does
I treated you badly
And you apologized to me
Am I a good person
Can I make you happy
At first, it was just fun
Then you succumbed to your feelings
You professed your love to me
And you stole my heart away
You lift me up
When I am down
You wipe away my tears
When I am sad
You genuinely care
And I love you, too
But the question remains
Do I deserve you
Do I Matter?
Love me
Do you or
Don't you
I want the answer
Want me
Do you or
Don't you
I know you do
For my body or
For my mind
I think for my body
I want you
But I don't
I can never have you
Unless you want me
It doesn't matter
What I want
All that matters
Is what you want
So why should I
Be friends with you
If the only needs fulfilled
Are yours
If I would tell you I want you
Would you say yes
Or would you say no
Do my feelings and wants matter
Do you care
At all for me
I care for you
But I don't know how much
I care for you
But I don't know for how long
It all depends on you
If you respect even a friend with benefits
Don't Be Late
My child is dying
Having been shot in the chest
Crimson everywhere
On my clothes and my hands
I hold him in my arms
As I dial 911
I say "Please hurry,
My child is bleeding to death."
They say they'll
Be on their way
It seems like
It takes hours
My child is having labored breathing
He is fading fast
Please hurry up
You damn ambulance
If my child dies
I cannot live on
If my child dies
I'll shoot myself too
Then you'll have two bodies
To deal with
You'll have more work
If you're late
So don't be late
Don't Even Try
I'm dead inside
I have no feeling
I'm so numb
I feel nothing
You helped me
Become like this
So please get away
Before doing more damage
You've been inside
But you're not welcome back
Not in my head
Not in my body
Don't even try
You won't get in
Don't even try
You can't get in
You can't get to me
I'm no longer jealous
You can't get to me
So don't even try
I dreamt of you the other night
Everything was oh so right
We were talking like old friends
But then in popped your little hen
She started a riot
I would not buy it
I got in her face
And you defended my place
I couldn't believe it
Could it actually be
That you finally came
To be with me
El Diablo
My body's
Flowing in darkness
Can't you see me
With no light
I'm totally
Drained now
My work here
Is done
There's no more
Need for me
So as I lie here
I peacefully die
Endless Waiting
Come closer
Come my way
Never mind
Please get away
Come here
No, get away
I want you
But you need to fray
Ok, I'm ready
No, I changed my mind
I'm sorry
I just need more time
Try all you want
Maybe you'll succeed
But you won't gain nothing
Based on greed
I know you love me
And I love you
But just think
If we go through
I may say I'm ready
Even though I'm not
Please don't ridicule me
For something that I thought
Enter Me
"Sensation washes over me,
I can't describe it"
That's what I'd love to say
But you give me no reason
Remember me
After I'm long gone
I'll remember you
No matter what
I may not be your type
But then again, what is your type
I wouldn't change myself anyway
I like the way I am
The man I'm with will have to like me
For who I am
The way I look
And the way I act
Every Time
Acid trip every time
That's what it feels like
Every time
Every time I think of you
I long for you
I know I could love you
If only I knew you
Let me in
Let me into your secret world
And I'll let you into mine
Let's build a secret
Of our own together
C'mon, we can do it
Just let me in
Let me love you
And I'll let you love me
Please, you break my heart
Every time you turn me down
I turned you down a couple of times too
But that was before I was into you
I feel for you now though
Every time I look at you
Please don't turn your back on me
I don't like to be ignored
Never wanted to be your girlfriend
You were so mistaken
Didn't have time to explain
Will you give me a chance
I beg of you
I know you don't like me
I just want
A chance to explain
To explain my intentions
You are so mistaken
Let me explain
Maybe then you'll understand
The Façade Is Over
I wear this fucking mask
Because you cannot handle me
You think you know me
But you don't know shit
Nobody knows me
Not the real me
What makes you think
You're so special
After the curtain closed
Oh, so long ago
There's been only one
Who I let in completely
Now there's no one
Here for me
Who I can tell
All my deepest, darkest secrets
Now the curtain has
Been closed completely
When it comes to trust
The stage is empty
The audience is full
Expecting a show
But they won't get one
Because I'm through with acting
The actors in my head
Have all left the building
All that's left is me
But I'm not here either
Before you slip
Into unconsciousness
I'd like to have
Another kiss
From your tender lips
Sensuous and brown
I long to be
In your arms
As you lie still
I lay my head on your chest
Listening to your heartbeat
I reminisce about the past
I'm sorry it had to come to this
Our love is no more
The memories of you are cherished
I will never let you perish
Forgive Me
I am so sorry
For what I did
Will you ever
Forgive me
I know it was wrong
But excitement
Overcame me
Please forgive me
I regret doing it
I wish I could
Take it back
Let's just forget it
My mouth is shut
From now on
Please don't hate me
Any longer
I want to be friends
That's all for now
I desire you no longer
Even though you're good
Can we please
Be friends
At least just that
I don't want to be enemies
Please forgive me
For I have done bad
Please talk to me
Show that we're cool
You were my friend
How could you
Betray me like this
Shit, now I'm yours
Paranoia controls my life
You sucked me dry
You stole my life
Forgive me, I don't know why
The time has come
To realize
What you are
What you've done
You terrorized me
Because I loved you
But you hurt me
Now I hate you
You stole my innocence
In my eyes
You'll see
I'm empty inside
I'm going to my
Bad place now
To be alone
For all eternity
I lost my best friend
For the second and last time
I'm not going to be
Screwed over again
All my other "friends"
Are not really friends
It is better to
Have no friends
You don't get hurt that way
My friendships always fuck up
I'm giving up on having friendships
I'll never trust anyone ever again
It only leads to hurt and anger
That's all there is
That's all that becomes of friendships
Never trust anyone
Never again
Friendship - True or False?
I wish I had someone,
Someone with who I could share
Share my joys and sorrows.
Sorrows which sometimes drive me insane.
Insane is where I practically live.
Live there I do because,
Because I have no friends to talk with.
With people I talk but,
But they are not friends.
Friends are people you can rely and depend,
Depend on and confide in are friends.
Friends are something I do not have.
Have I no friends because,
Because friends come and,
And friends go but,
But friends do,
Do not come easily for me.
Me, I am my only friends because,
Because I am the only,
Only one I can trust.
Trust always comes,
Comes with a price for me.
Me, I try to trust people but,
But I always find betrayal.
Betrayal is a word I know,
Know all too well.
Fuck This World
None of this matters
It never really mattered
Why should I try
To keep fooling myself
The whole fucking world
Is dead to me now
And all the people in it
I hate this goddamn place
I wish I could leave
And live in the past
This place has fucked me over
So bad
I have no friends anymore
They all left me
Just like the others
I'm leaving them now
I'm back to my old home
That's where I belong
I don't know why I ever left
Never again will I leave
I only get burned when I do
I should know better
I have been burned so many times
I have no more friends
And I like that just fine
Fuck You
Fuck you
I don't want you back
Never ever
Back in my life
You've screwed me over
For the very last time
Quit coming back
Cuz I've finally gained the power
I didn't even want you
The last time we fucked
I just used your sorry ass
Pathetic excuse for a man
I know how much
You hate me
But you won't believe
How much I hate you
You're not worth my time
You're not worth my energy
So fuck you
Is all you'll hear
Tell me now
What does it mean
When you do
The things you do
You confuse me so
I just want to know
Why are you tugging
On this string to my heart
Back and forth
That's what you do
How am I to know
Whether it's true
Should I give in
And be deceived
Or stay strong
And keep going crazy
The shit's catching up
About to hit the fan
Unless we resolve this
Very, very soon
Goodbye Forever
Keep away from me
Never misunderstand me
My life is a living hell
I burn in it every day
Would you care to join me
If not, then face the other way
Your life'll be over soon
Within the blink of an eye
You leave me with nothing again
Look through these blackened eyes
All you are is
A stupid little pup
Following whoever
Will lead you
Your brain is gelatin
Soft and putty
Waiting to be molded
Like clay
You know not
Of others' feelings
All you care about
Is yourself
I'm glad to see
You not looking at me
I'm glad to not be
The one holding your leash
All you are is
A sick little pup
I don't like pervs
And I don't like dogs
So be on your way
I say goodbye
I'm rid of you now
I say goodbye
Hello Darkness, My Old Friend
After a decade the urge returned
I could no longer deny it
Just the sensation was enough
But I miss the release
Dull turned to sharp
With my trusty little friend
Instant gratification, so welcoming
I have returned home
Until if and when I need my next fix
Help Me
I'm to the end of my rope
I'm about to jump over the ledge
Fall to my death
There lies my freedom
Life is hell
As we all know
Many can handle it
I can't anymore
Someone help me
While I'm still here
Take me away
From the cause of my pain
Please help me
I don't want to die
But I will
If I have to
Look at me
I am dirty
Do you think I'm pretty
Or do you agree with all of them
Nobody knows me
Not even dear old mommy
They lost me when I was still young
They'll never gain me back
Look at me
What do you see
Do you see a princess
Or do you only see dirt
You be the judge
I don't care what you think
Don't pretend to be my friend
'Cause I don't want you
Don't come near me
I like my solitude
Leave me in the dark
I don't need no light
Keep your phoniness
To yourself
I can see
Right through you
Look into the mirror
And you'll see me
I am everyone
Whether you admit it or not
I am what grows
Inside you and
All your friends
See my black heart
As it lies still in my chest
It hasn't been beating
Since I was born
This is the real me
You be the judge
Do you think
You wanna get to know me
Hurt Me, Daddy!
You use and abuse me because I let you
I didn't know what I was agreeing to
When I signed my contract with you
I didn't know how much I would hate you
I will forever love you
But I can't keep doing this
I worship you when you're not hurting me
But will you ever love me the same
I Don't Want You
Look into my eyes
And you will see the real me
See the hurt inside
My whole life is pain
Shambles is what it is
You made it this way
So much better
Without you here
Thought you broke my heart
But you were wrong
You made me laugh
I am so happy now
You make me happy
Without wanting to
What you don't see
Is that I don't want you
I Have Issues
Hiding in my head
The abuse is so blind
Am I that bad
That you have to be so unkind
I have issues
Issues make me go insane
Do you want my issues
Be sure to keep hold of the reins
I once had a friend
Who wasn't really a friend
He betrayed me
Then he came back again
It's better not to do anything
That was our mistake
It was fun while it lasted
But now we gotta break
I have issues
Issues make me go insane
Do you want my issues
Be sure to keep hold of the reins
Do not try to pull me out
Because I am going insane
If you try with no doubt
You will feel my pain
I'm on the Outside
I'm on the outside lookin' in
That's the way it's always been
Never felt like I belong
So I hope you'll listen to this song
Have you ever felt like an outcast
Well, you're not the only one who's felt that
Listenin' to Korn
Not carin' for porn
People think they're ignorin' me
But they're wrong
I'm the one who's ignorin' them
They don't even know what's goin' on
They don't like you if you're different
They don't even give you a chance
If you don't believe in what they believe
Then you never have a chance of becomin' their friend
Some people think they're so hot
But when you think about it, they're not
Tryin' to act real cool
End up lookin' like a fool
So just know this
You're not the only one
You'll really be in bliss
If you make your own fun
I Still
Why do I still let you affect me
After all this time, I thought it was over
I thought I'd moved on
But it's clear that I haven't
Because your words and actions
Make me think
Make me cry
Make me wonder
I don't know why
I wish I did
I still love you
Though I've tried not to
Why do I still let you affect me
Why can't I let you go
Why can't I move on
And never shed another tear for you
I Want
I want to be yours
But you won't let me in
Sometimes it seems that
I'm not good enough for you
I want to be yours
But you have no time for me
Everyone else
But never me
I want to be yours
But where do I fit
It really seems
Like you never wanted me
I want to be yours
But you strung me along
I was falling in love
While you were falling in hate
I want to be yours
But like they always say
If you truly love something, set it free
If it's meant to be, it will come back
I Will Always
I will always love you
So why don't you love me
Why don't you
Love me back
My heart breaks
When you turn your back
Just love me once
I won't complain
That's all I want
To see how you love
I may not like it
But at least I'll know
We'll always be friends
If you allow
I don't want to ruin it
It's up to you
It's almost impossible
For man and woman to be friends
One almost always
Falls for the other
Sometimes it works
Sometimes it doesn't
Would I risk it
I think I'd rather have a friend
Leave Me Alone
Get the fuck off of me
Get away from me
Leave me alone
I said leave me alone
You're such a jerk
You take whatever you want
It doesn't make you any more of a man
If you take without asking
I thought I knew you
But I guess I was wrong
You're not my best friend
You're my worst enemy
Get the fuck off of me
Get away from me
Leave me alone
Leave me alone
Let Me Go
I don't know what I'm doing
Why am I here
Do I belong
I'm so unsure
I don't feel right
I'm so uncomfortable
Who wants me here
Am I an intruder
Am I accepted
Among these strangers
Sometimes I feel
Like I'm lost
Are you tiring
Of me so
If you are
Please let me know
I don't want
You mad at me
If you are
Please let me go
Just let me go
You turned your back on me
You promised me you would
Be with me forever
Sitting by my deathbed
But now I know
That was all a lie
You ran off with that hoochie
As I began to cry
I sat there and wept
I waited for you
To come and comfort me
But you never came
How could you leave me
You said you'd love me
'Til the day you die
What happened to that
Why did you lie to me
I didn't deserve that
Is that what marriage is about
I thought it's about honesty
But I guess you're gone
And you'll never be back
I hate to say this but
Farewell, so long, Jack
The Life of a Cat
I sit around all day
What else would I do
Sometimes I run around
Just to annoy you
Come over here and pet me
You stupid human
I'll lick your hand
That's your reward
Good human
Good person
Now come here
And get your treat
Lonely Trash
This is total and utter bullshit
Why the fuck am I here
Sometimes it seems like I'm alone
So fucking alone
All around me, everyone
All of my friends have someone
And here I sit
All by myself
It seems like I am the only one
Who cares sometimes
And everyone just plays
Everyone plays me
The only man I care for
Couldn't care less
So here I sit
With no one to hold me
I am so lonely
No one to hold me
No one who actually cares for me
All they want is a lay
Then they ditch me
Like a piece of trash
I guess that's what I am
A goddamn piece of trash
I once had a passion for this
But that was drained from me
Oh so long ago
I couldn't care less now
I'm so bored out of my skull
This routine is killing me
Day in and day out
I need some freedom
I need some excitement
In this boring life of mine
Why do you hate me
I wish you would say
Why do I love you
I wish I could say
I am clearly fucked up
No one knows what to do
I wanna rip my eyes out
So I can't look at you
The hatred I see in your eyes
Makes me want to kill you
But I can't devour you
Cuz you'll be inside me
I could never kill you
I love you too damn much
You don't realize how much you hurt me
But I believe you really don't care
How could so much love
Turn into so much hate
I wanna tear my ears off
To avoid hearing your voice
Or would I rather rip out your vocal cords
No, I could never do that
I would gladly hurt myself
Before ever hurting you
My resolve is weakening
My strings becoming visible
You wish to be my puppeteer
As you wield shiny shears
You see me become feeble
You feel the power surge
As you tell me not to argue back
Liking nothing more than to see me fall
That's all you've wanted
To see me cry
To know you can still hurt me
Even though it pains you
I know the true reasons
You have strings, as well
Although, I no longer try to help
There is no hope for you
You want to pull my strings
Because you possess no control over your own
But sad news for you
Soon, you won't see my strings at all
Men suck
All they wanna do is fuck
They don't care about you
They just wanna get inside you
They tell you they care
But in reality, they're not fair
They stiff you whenever they can
And by that, I mean literally, man
We pretty ourselves up
Just so they can fuck
Show me a man that doesn't play hookie
And wants something more than just a little nookie
Do you see
The fear in my eyes
Do you see
Me quiver and shake
As you advance
Your eyes turn blank
As you advance
Your hands begin to quake
Please have mercy
Because it's me
Please have mercy
Because you know me
I am your friend
Please don't hurt me
I am your friend
Please don't rape me
Leave me alone
And I won't tell
Leave me alone
Before you do what you'll regret
You'll feel sorry later
After you realize what you've done
You'll feel sorry later
After you've raped your best friend
Sideshow freak is nothing short
Of what I am
I guess that's all
I am to you
Always have been
Always will be
You deceived me
Stabbed me in the chest
I should have been smarter
And turned my back on you
But I trusted you so much
And served my heart on a platter
You were a monster
In disguise
You tore into my heart
And lapped up its blood
Why can't I learn
To never trust your kind
You gave me a lesson
And I failed miserably
Now you try to destroy me
What's up with that
I never thought you'd go so far
You are but only a monster
My Last Poem
Some days I wish I could take back things I've done in the past.
I wouldn't be as mentally fucked up as I am today.
On the other hand, I wouldn't be able to see the red flags and know them.
But still, I see the flags.
I know they're not yellow, green, or even pink.
I see they're red, yet I keep on a truckin'.
Because of this I have been raped,
And I have been emotionally backed into a corner for almost a whole year.
Are my legs just too short to reach the brake pedal?
Or am I just that much of a glutton for pain and anguish?
Instead of taking the recommended detour, I keep going through the roadblock and drive off the cliff on the other side.
I know it's there and it's just so alluring.
I must punish myself by pleasing others.
Never Meant to Be
Get out of my head
You stupid little fuck
I don't want you here
You are not welcome
So please get lost
You dirty little fuck
It wasn't meant to last
It was for right then
I can't fight these feelings
Feelings of hate inside
I hold for you now
All you do is take away
All these promises you made to me
You made in vain
You were the last one
Slipping away
This was never meant to be
So please get away
You stupid little fuck
It was never meant to be
Why do you mess with my brain like so
It's not a piece of gelatin for you to mold
If I told you I loved you, would you even care
Or would you turn around and run in fear
I know I am not the one for you
And you prove this to be true
Never again will we share our love
Because you won't even say "What's up"
I been hearing shit about you
But I don't care if it's true
Everyone here makes mistakes
And this is the price I have to pay
I won't apologize anymore
I am not sorry for being your whore
Say what you want about me
I really don't care, just bite me
I used to care but not anymore
After in my face, you closed the door
Never will you respect me too
So nevermore will I respect you
No More
You know what, bitch
Fuck you
I don't care for you
No more
No longer will you trick me
Into believing your lies
You're as transparent as plasma
I see right through you
I was once naïve
And then in denial
But that's in the past
I'm not settling for less
Fuck you, bitch
You think you're all that
Not all things go your way
Cuz I'm not coming back
No More Tomorrow
I wish I could die
Would you help me please
It's too late
So just help me die
You've never helped me before
So do me this favor
I want to die
But I don't know how
Nobody wants me here
I have no one
All my friends are gone
Never there for me
No one's ever
Been here for me
So why should I
Stick around for them
Not Over
I love you
I hate you
Why can't I
Get around you
I need you
I breathe you
Why can't I
Just have you
I'm over you
But am I really
A while from now
You'll be my envy
You're totally not
Good for me
But like a drug
I'm addicted
I can't stop
Thinking about you
Please tell me
Why that is
Ode to Travis
Everything was so much easier
When I hated your guts
I couldn't even stand
The sight of you
You were so ugly to me
Now you're so beautiful
I want you so much
But I'm unable to have you
It saddens and angers me
But I must accept it
You'll never be mine
Because you're with her
Piss me off once
Piss me off twice
Piss me off thrice
That's just not right
Leave me alone
Just leave me alone
Can't you see
I wanna be alone
Why do you insist
On buggin' me
I told you I don't
Want you messin' with me
I may like Marilyn
And I may like Freddy
But that don't give you
No right to diss me
You diss me
I diss you back
You like country
While I like rap
I just so happen to think
That Mr. Krueger is da bomb
While you may think
That all he is is scum
Well, that's your opinion
I got my own
We may disagree
That don't mean we gotta fight
You shut up about yours
I'll shut up about mine
I'm sick of this place
I'm sick of these people
I'm sick of your face
I will be lethal
This will all be over
But not soon enough
It needs to end now
Cuz I call your bluff
Pathetic Fuck
You burn your bridges as you tear open your stitches
You throw away the only thing that could help you
You cry out for help and then recede
Your lies are all that I perceive
As the rain pours and knocks outside
I hope you're in your fort and die
You piss and moan and whine and cry
You can only blame yourself, you chose your fate
Get away from me
Please, get away from me
I don't want you by me
No more, no more
Leave me alone
Please leave me alone
Can't you see
How much you scare me
Why must you do this
What's your reason
What did I do
To make you do this
You're freakin' me out
Please get away
Don't come any closer
Or I'll scream
Right now I'm screamin'
Inside of my head
So don't come no closer
Or you'll hear it too
Please don't touch me
You sicken me now
How could I have loved you
I hate you so now
Get away from me, please
It's so unbearable
You're driving me crazy
More than I was
Someone please help me
We're all alone now
Someone please help me
Before he hurts me now
It's happened before
But it's worse this time
Don't come so close
Keep your hands off me
I said "No!"
Don't you know what that means
It means get off me
Before you do what you please
I know you been schemin' this
For a while now
Finally puttin' it into effect
Everything's gotta go your way
Get off, get off, get off
Or I'm gonna tell
When you get through with me
You're gonna pay so bad
Your life'll be a living hell
Just wait and see
Think I'll keep quiet
Just wait and see
The Real Max
You broke my heart
Now you must die
You disappointed me
Now you must die
Tell me the truth
And maybe I'll spare your life
The truth about everything
And maybe I'll spare your life
I'm giving up on you
Before going too far
I'm forgetting about you
Before going too far
I'm stuck in my head
Someone, please let me out
And please don't be cruel
When you let me run about
I've been stuck in here for years
I need to stretch my loins
And please don't come near me
With your filthy groins
You're not going to get anything
I'll scream to let you know
I'm not as quiet as you think
So you'd better let me go
I've been mentally fucked
Too many damn times
So don't try to climb in
And understand these rhymes
If you do, you'll be sorry
You won't like what you see
So while you have the chance
You'd better turn and flee
Nobody cares what you say
Nobody cares anyway
By the way
You're gonna die today
You don't know what you've done
Soon you'll be shown
Before I'm through
You'll know, you'll know
Did you know
Nobody cares about you
Did you know
Nobody's gonna save you
You're all mine now
Every last bite
I'm going to enjoy this
Even if you fight
The more you fight
The more the merrier
Then I'll bite you
And rip into you like a terrier
There'll be no mercy
Sure, you gave me some
But I don't care
So for you, there'll be none
Should We Really Do This?
Taking what I can get
That's what I gotta do
Chills, chills, chills
That's what I got
Sometimes I think I know you
Other times I'm not sure
One minute you'll be a friend
The next you'll be a stranger
How well do I know you
Really, how well
Well enough to let you inside
We'll have to wait to find out
You make me sad
By dumping me
And then coming back
And accepting me
You toy with my feelings
So why do I still like you
Someone please tell me
Why I took you back
I promised myself I wouldn't
But look what I've done
I've taken you back
And now I'm letting you in
Letting you in deeper than before
Someone please tell me
Why I'm doing this
I don't even like you anymore
Some friendships are better left
Without taking the next step
So help me out here
Will we still be friends after
Sorry I'm so jealous
I don't know why I care
You'll never be mine
In the mental sense
Sorry I'm so jealous
I know you're not mine
But I still hate having
To see you with other girls
Sorry I'm so jealous
I know you're just my friend
But still it tears me up inside
When we're so close yet so far
I can't believe I was so stupid
Again, I was so stupid
But I thought you were different
I thought you actually loved me
Now I have confirmed the truth
You did nothing but use me
Now that you don't need me
You want nothing to do with me
You never cared for me
You always said you would
Never shed a tear for me
You show now, you never loved me
You said you would die for me
And I believed you
I believed your lies
Every time you said, "I love you"
How could I have been so blind
I saw the truth
And I decided not to accept it
I pushed it away
Now I must accept it, accept the truth
That you show so clearly now
You never meant a single caring
Word you ever said to me
You suck
All the shit in this world
You think
You're so fucking awesome
You will
Die for your treachery
I will
Be the one to kill you
The only way
You can get out of it
Is if you die
Before I get the chance
You'll be so sorry
If you don't
You'd better run
Or else surrender
Tell Me Why
Why am I with him
Why me
Why me
Why does this always happen to me
I think I get the best
It turns out to be not
It is always
The total opposite
Nobody cares for me
Nobody loves me
They tell me they do
But really, they do not
It is so obvious
When they treat me like this
Like I'll understand
And let it pass
Like I'll stand aside
In the back
Like I won't get hurt
Yeah, fuckin' right
How stupid can people be
I don't know how much longer
I can take this shit
Maybe it'll be over soon
Then everything will be
Back to normal
Just the way
It's supposed to be
They'll get back together
Cuz he's really not over her
If he's gonna do that
I'm not giving in
Why am I putting
Myself through this
Through all this pain
And all this misery
I just want to
Go home
Go home and be alone
Forever and eternity
Why did I ever go with you
What was I thinking
Sure, I still want to fuck you
Wait, what am I thinking
I let you see my body
What was I thinking
I'd let you see it again
Wait, what am I thinking
I ruined our friendship
What was I thinking
I wanna get back with you
Wait, what am I thinking
I actually liked you
What was I thinking
I'm actually jealous
Wait, what am I thinking
You cannot
Rape me inside
I have no place
To run and hide
You wanna touch me
Which I like
I have no place to run
So come and follow me
Trap me in a corner
Have your way with me
That's the only way you'll win
The only way I'll surrender
Two Stones
I have a problem
There are two stones
They're very good stones
But yet they are bad
I want them both
Though I know I shouldn't
They're no good for me
They'll only hurt
Don't know if I can have them
I think I could
I do want them
But then again, I don't
I know they're bad for me
But, oh, how I want them
They'll only hurt me
But I want them
I want them
Those two stones
I want them very bad
I want to get hurt
You try to control me
I won't allow it
I've grown stronger
And you can't stand it
I be myself
You are surprised
You try to beat me down
But this time, you fail
It drives you crazy
That I can use you too
I no longer love you
I just want to feel you
No need to impress you
This time around
It makes me happy
When I see you frown
You used me once
Then we were through
I never knew
I could use you, too
We're Through
You're no good for me
Thank god it's over
What was I thinking
To have you over
I'm rid of you now
I think I finally am
You won't be my first
And I'm glad of that
So don't look at me
With those eyes
You're so pathetic
You'll never be mine
Now now, not ever
Not now, not ever
You chew people up
And spit them out
You're such a user
Don't sit there and pout
What a pathetic loser
That's what you are
Just a loser
Can't you see that you are
What the Hell?
Why does this world
Have to be so damn cruel
Walkin' home one day
People givin' you the finger
What's with a finger
Just one little finger
That gets us riled up inside
Makes us wanna scream out loud
Makes us wanna rip
Those creeps all apart
And tear out their insides
'Til they can't scream no more
Kill! Kill! Kill!
That's what goes through my head
When someone does to me
What people like them just did
They don't think I'll fight back
Just 'cause I seem quiet
They don't know what's capable
There'll be hell to pay if they do
They'll be sorry if they find out
And cryin' for their mommas
They'll be in such pain
They'll wish they could die
But I won't let them die
'Cause I cannot die
They'll sit there and suffer
Like they make me suffer
They'll be beggin' for mercy
But that ain't what they get
They only get my anger
My hatred and my fist
They have no reason
To do that to me
But I have a reason
To do it to them
You may think the golden
Rule doesn't apply here
But it does, "Do unto others
As you wish them to you"
What the hell
They do that to me
So they deserve it
Ten times back
What's Goin' On?
Who I Am
Why the Fuck?
The Work
There is no love, there is no hate
I am strong, you are weak
I have grown, you stay the same
I healed myself while you stagnate
I am happy, you are confused
I am trying, you're not capable
There is no subtext, yet you look
I have moved on while you sit stuck
You and Me
Alien Invasion
Sweet dreams are made of these
They come from different galaxies
Their bodies are shaped like big huge trees
But oxygen they cannot breathe
Sweet dreams are like a breeze
They're gone before you see who speaks
Expendable are these human lives
Which includes you and me
Sweet dreams are seeing me
And everything I am to be
Everything I cannot see
Comes to me inside my dreams
Faces of Betrayal
All the clowns with painted faces
Dance around him as he paces
Porcelain dolls with beautiful eyes
Push her down as she cries
Welcome to the end
The end of the living
Welcome to the dead
The dead are forgiving
To get through the gates of hell
You must die very well
To get through the cells of hell
You must have perfect health
All the clowns with painted faces
Dance around him as he paces
Porcelain dolls with beautiful eyes
Push her down as she cries
Lie your hands upon your faces
Wish away all your traces
She ran away while you were weeping
You thought that she was really sleeping
To get through the gates of hell
You must die very well
To get through the cells of hell
You must have perfect health
Beg for forgiveness before you die
Tell your mother not to cry
Raise your arms for god's surprise
As you die, you close your eyes
This is the end
The end of the living
These are the dead
The dead are forgiving
Short Stories
Care to Go Psycho?
The note under the pillow stated, "You're going to die in the near future." It had been pasted together from letters out of a magazine. Max Abbas crumpled the piece of paper into a ball. It must have been a joke from one of his pesky little siblings.
RING! RING! Max jumped as he heard the phone, figuring it was one of his friends wanting to hang out.
"Come to the high school," a strange voice said on the other line.
"Who is this? Josh? Lyle?"
"Come to the main entrance," the voice continued. "It's very important."
"Okay, I'll be there in fifteen minutes."
Max hung up, wondering who that was and what could possibly be so important. He began to get ready for his meeting with the mystery person.
When Max arrived at the school, the parking lot was completely empty, except for his car. He parked, got out, and made his way to the front entrance. When he entered the building, there was only one other person there, leaning against the wall to his left.
"Hey, Hansen. How's it going?" he asked as he walked by.
"Why is it every day that I feel the pain?" Kyle Hansen said.
"Huh?" Max turned to face him. "Hey, are you okay, man? You got this weird look on your face."
"Do I?" Kyle asked as he slowly revealed a machete from behind his back. "Okay, I'm ready to go play. I've got the machete from O.J. I'm ready to make everyone's throats ache."
Max stood there, not moving as Kyle began walking toward him. He couldn't believe what was going on.
"What, you think I'm kiddin' you?" Kyle raised the machete as he came closer to Max. "Run, bitch, run!"
Max turned and began running down the hall to the double doors, Kyle following close behind.
"In your eyes, you bid me farewell!" Kyle screamed with wild eyes as Max burst through the doors.
Max turned and headed up the stairs to his right. When he got to the top, he turned left and hoped to lose Kyle by continuing the stairs. Kyle came a couple seconds later. He didn't see Max in the hall before him, so he figured Max must have gone up the stairs. At the top, he wondered why Max would continue the stairs and ran out into the hall.
Max was now at the top of the last flight of stairs. He looked back and found no sign of Kyle. His plan had worked. He jogged around the corner and past some lockers. As he was passing some stairs to his left, he happened to look over. As he did, he saw Kyle racing toward him.
"Why are you doing this?" Max yelled as he began running again, Kyle riding his heels.
"Don't ever try to understand the situation!" Kyle yelled back.
He raised the machete and brought it down on Max's right shoulder, cutting through the bone but not all of the flesh. Blood spurted everywhere as Kyle removed the blade, and Max's arm hung loosely from his body.
"Ha ha! Gotcha!" Kyle yelled.
Max ran for the boys' bathroom and closed the door as quickly as he could with his one good arm. He tried to hold it shut, but Kyle had the advantage of two arms, and managed to pull it open. Max backed himself into a corner as Kyle advanced on him. He screamed for help. "Go ahead, yell," Kyle said. Here, I'll scream with you. AH, somebody help! Don't you get it? No one can hear you. Now shut the fuck up and get what's coming to you!"
"You'll go to hell for this. God will never forgive you."
"Never have I seen your god, so why should I believe in faith?"
"If you're going to kill me, just do it already!" Max screamed at Kyle.
"Youre right. What am I waiting for?"
Kyle raised the machete high above his head and lowered it in one swift motion. Max's head went rolling across the bathroom floor. It stopped a couple of feet from his body and stared up at Kile, accusingly.
"What are you looking at?" Kyle scoffed.
He kicked the head away and walked calmly out of the bathroom. He threw the machete aside and clapped his hands together in an up-down fashion.
"All in a day's work."
A helicopter descended into a field of tall, dead grass that stopped just above a full-grown man's waist. Its silhouette barely seen against the dark sky even with the full moon shining brightly. Five figures emerged from the chopper dressed in military décor. The rest followed as one of them took lead. Another ran ahead.
"Hey! Over here!" he yelled as he bent down.
He stood up, holding something, and let out a strangled scream before dropping it, his eyes wide with horror. It had been a Beretta 9mm handgun and a disembodied hand curled around it, hacked off at the wrist. They heard rustling coming from the grass. The one who had run ahead screamed again as three powerful shapes attacked and started ripping into his flesh.
They were the size and shape of dogs, as big as German Shepherds maybe, except that they seemed to have no fur, no skin. The others looked around, confused. There were more of them coming. They had to get out of there.
"Come on, head for that mansion over there!" The leader swung his arm in the direction of a looming building.
The beasts were everywhere. The group shot at the dogs to ward them off the best they could as they made their way to the abandoned mansion. When they reached it, the front doors were unlocked so they piled in and slammed the doors shut just in time as one of the things tried to stick its head in after them.
"What the hell were those things?" one of them yelled to no one in particular.
There were only three of them now. They appeared to have lost one along the way. They stood there in the main hall, looking at each other.
Christy Wittenberg, a twenty-three-yeard-old machine expert, stood at five-foot-five with one-hundred-eleven pounds, black hair that came down to her shoulders, and brown eyes. She was wearing navy blue pants, a matching beret which she wore on her head, black boots, and a blue T-shirt to complete the ensemble.
Bowe Linde, a thirty-eight-year-old mission leader, stood at six feet with one-hundred-eighty-seven pounds, short brown hair, and sunglasses to hide his deceitful eyes. He wore them at all times, even at night. He had on a black long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled to the elbows. The rest of his look consisted of black pants, shiny black boots, and black gloves to top it off.
And last, but not least, James Garza, a thirty-eight-year-old weapons specialist, stood at six feet with one-hundred-ninety-seven pounds, shaggy black hair, and brown eyes. His outfit was made up of a puffy red vest, zipped up halfway over a faded brown T-shirt, and brown camo pants to finish it off.
"Where's Kyle?" Christy asked.
"He must have gotten cut off from us. We'll find him later," Linde said nonchalantly. "He'll be fine. He's a big boy, he can take care of himself. But for now, I want you and James to take the west door over there."
Christy and James headed for the west door as Linde had ordered. James went first, the door creaking as he opened it. When they walked inside, they were mesmerized by the elegance of the dining room. It was a huge rectangular shape with a long dinner table going the length of it down the middle. The ceiling was open to a second floor balcony. To the left of the table was a bunch of junk, nothing much of interest. To the right, halfway down the wall, was an old grandfather clock. At the other end of the room, there appeared to be a fireplace. There was no fire going in its hearth.
The two of them went to the right of the table since it was less cluttered. As they passed the grandfather clock, they noted how its hands stood still and its glass had been shattered. They continued on to the fireplace. James stopped so suddenly that Christy ran into him.
"What is it, James?" she asked, trying to see over his broad shoulders.
James knelt down and Christy saw why he had stopped so suddenly. There, before James, was a pool of dark red blood. It looked fresh.
"Oh, my god," Christy screamed.
"I just hope this isn't Kyle's blood. You go search the rest of the mansion while I examine this blood."
There was a door on the north wall and Christy went through it. She could either go left or right. She heard some sort of slopping sound coming from her left and decided to check it out. She slunk a few steps and came into a sitting area. There was a figure stooped over a body. Christy gasped as the figure swiveled its head to look at her. The pale blue cataract eyes; the rotting, stinking flesh; the red bloodstain around its mouth.
Christy screamed and pulled her Beretta. She opened fire on the creature before her, hitting it seven times in the chest and abdomen. She started to back up slowly as the monster started advancing toward her. The bullets hadn't even seemed to faze him. Christy turned and ran for the door she had come through.
"James," she panted as she slammed the door shut behind her.
"Christy, what is it?" James asked as he stood up.
"There's - There's some kind of..." she tried to say before the door crashed open behind her.
"What the hell," James cried as he whipped out his Python revolver and put two bullets in the creature's head.
It fell to the floor and wriggled a little before finally becoming still.
"That was a goddamn zombie!" James exclaimed.
"That can't be," Christy breathed as she stared down at the lifeless corpse.
"We'd better report this to Linde."
"I agree. Let's go."
James took lead again as they headed back to the main hall. When they came into the light of the main hall, Linde was nowhere to be seen.
"Linde!" James yelled into the brightly lit room. "Linde!"
"Where could he be?"
"I don't know. What I do know is that something very strange is going on here."
They searched the main hall for Linde but found no sign of him anywhere. They met up in front of the stairs. James turned to Christy.
"I'll try upstairs, you take the east door over there," he said. "We'll meet back here in half an hour."
"Gotcha," Christy said, then headed for the door as James climbed the stairs.
She emerged into a small square room with paintings on every wall. There was a tall statue of a woman holding a vase of water above her head standing on a pedestal in the middle of the room. There were two doors opposite the one she had come through. The one on the left was open but blocked by a small chest. It was unlikely that Linde had gone that way...
That left the door on the right. It opened to a long hallway. There were a couple of wide windows showing only the darkness outside. There were three display chests that lined the inner wall, each topped with a small lamp and displayed an array of obscured objects. She walked forward to examine one of the shelves.
The window behind her imploded, a sinewy form lunging into the hall, growling and snapping its jaws. It was one of the beasts from outside. It charged her and she shot at it. It fell to the ground and got right back up. It came after her again, and this time she aimed for its head. Bam! Bam! Bam! Three quick shots and it was down for the count.
The corridor took a sharp turn and she hurried on, past more macabre displays. The door at the end of the long hall was unlocked. She came into another dim room with more paintings on the walls. The first door on the right was locked, a carving of an armor on its key plate. If Linde had come this way, she didn't imagine he was locking doors behind him...
The next door she tried opened into a small bathroom with an antique feel, complete with a ceiling fan and an old-fashioned, four-footed tub. There was no sign of recent use.
Christy went back out into the hall and edged around another corner, wondering if James had found Linde, or Kyle for that matter. The last two doors in the hall were locked from the other side. It was high-time she be getting back to James anyway. She made her way to the main hall, miraculously not encountering a single monster.
When she came into the light of the main hall, Christy saw James slouched on the stairs, head in hands.
"James, what's wrong?" she asked, walking over to him. "Did you find Linde?"
"No," he groaned. "Kyle. I found him in one of the rooms upstairs. His - His body has been torn to shreds. I don't know what could have done such a thing."
Christy slumped down beside James and put an arm around his shoulders to comfort him. She had known that he and Kyle had been very good friends.
"Look at you two. Sobbing like a couple of babies."
Christy whipped her head up too late as Linde knocked her over the head with the butt of his gun. James tried to get to his feet as Christy fell to the floor but was too slow. Linde turned the gun on him.
"Why?" James asked. "Why did you do it, Linde?"
"For the money, of course," Linde said. "And to protect the research. No one can know what is going on here. I sicced one of my creatures on Kyle, and now it's your turn to die. Soon, it will be Christy's turn."
"No, you can't!"
"Oh, but I can and I will," Linde said, then pulled the trigger, sending a bullet to the center of James' brain.
He then picked up Christy's limp body and carried her off. She awoke in what looked like a lab of some sort. Linde was standing a couple of feet away.
"It was you, wasn't it?" she said accusingly. "You did this. Where's James?"
"Don't worry about James. He won't be bothering us anymore. But now is the time for you meet my most prized possession. Behold!" he said, raising his arms and turning toward a big glass tube on the far wall that Christy hadn't noticed until now.
It was at least eight or nine feet tall, hooked up to its own computer console - and the thing inside filled it, top to bottom. It was monstrous. It was tall, but proportionally correct, at least through its broad, muscular torso and long legs. Those parts appeared human. One of its arms had been altered into a cluster of massive, dragging claws, hanging past the knees, while the other seemed ordinary, if overly large.
There was a thick, bloody tumor protruding from where its heart would be, and Christy realized, staring at the bulbous mass, that it was the thing's heart. It was pulsing slowly, expanding and contracting in slow rhythmic beats.
She moved a little closer to get a better look. She could see lines of scar tissue snaking across its limbs, surgical scars. It had no sexual organs. They had been cut away. She looked up at its face and saw that parts of the flesh there had also been removed. The lips were gone and it seemed to grin broadly at her through the sliced red tissue of its face, all its teeth exposed.
"Say hello to Tyrant," Linde said proudly. "He's the key to your demise."
Linde walked over to a computer console and flipped a few switches. The tyrant opened its eyes and began beating his human hand against the glass tube. After a couple of hits, the glass shattered to the floor.
"Hahaha!" Linde laughed triumphantly as the tyrant tooks its first step into the world.
It looked at him with menacing eyes.
"KIll her," Linde pointed to Christy.
But instead of turning toward her, the tyrant kept its gaze trained on Linde. It stalked over to him, clawed-hand raised and ready to strike at any moment.
"No. You listen to me. I control you. You listen to-"
The tyrant brought its clawed-hand down and around, skewering Linde and raising his body high in the air. Christy looked on in astonishment. The tyrant had just killed its creator. It now turned toward her to finish the job after dropping Linde's lax body to the ground. She could not move. Her muscles were frozen stiff with fright. The tyrant came barreling down on her.
It raised its clawed arm, ready to strike. She backed up but was not quick enough. The hand came down and the claws protruded her abdomen and came out through her back. The last thing she saw before she died was that Linde's body had disappeared.
The Fall of Max Abbas
He only remembered leaving the party and getting into his car. It went black after that. He didn't know what had happened. Max Abbas was now in the middle of a cornfield. His head was throbbing. He raised a hand and touched the back of his head. He felt wetness there and pulled his hand away to discover his fingers full of blood.
"What the hell?" he wondered aloud.
"Oh, sorry about that, Max. I had to hit you over the head with a lead pipe."
A figure came into view, and Max's eyes widened. It was Josh Kuiken, his best friend.
"Did you bring me here?" Max asked.
"Yes, I did."
"Why? Is this a joke?"
"Of course not. You broke my heart, you bastard."
"What are you talking about?" Max let out a nervous laugh.
"Don't act like you don't know."
"But I don't know."
"Come on, get in the car. We're going for a ride. Sit up front."
"What if I don't want to?"
"Then, I guess I'll have to kill you right here and now," Josh said as he pulled a 9mm handgun from his jeans.
"Okay, okay, I'll go."
Josh helped Max to his feet and wiped the dirt off his cut little tush with the hand not holding the gun. Max started to object and Josh raised the gun, reminding him who was in charge.
"How I crave you every time I'm near you," Josh whispered into Max's ear as he led him to the car.
"What are you going to do to me?"
"Bitch, I'ma kill you. I ain't done. This ain't the chorus. I ain't even drug you into the woods yet to paint the forest."
"What do you mean, this ain't the chorus?"
"It's from an Eminem song. Just shut up, I gotta think. Here, put this blindfold on. You can't see where we're going."
When Josh finally removed the blindfold, they were in the woods. Max was barely standing on his tiptoes. His shirt had been torn off and his wrists were bound together above his head. He looked up to see the rope that held his wrists was tied around a thick tree branch above. Josh was standing only a couple feet away.
"My pain is caused by my pleasure," he said, looking into Max's eyes. "My soulmate lives in your body. I can't get you out of my head."
"I'm yours. I'll do anything you want," Max whined.
"Now you tell me you like it. You tell me you want it. You're mine and you don't need another one. Come on and tell me you like it. Tell me you want it."
"Yes, I like it. I want it. Just please don't kill me," Max said in a panicky, pleading voice.
"Fuck that shit! I don't believe you. Look at what you've done to me. You've become my enemy."
"I thought we were friends."
"We were, but if I can't have you, no one can," Josh yelled, wagging the gun at Max.
"You think you're a little closer to changing me?" Max said, a broad smile spreading across his face. "You're never gonna win me over. You're wasting your time."
Josh didn't seem to notice. He'd gone off to his own little world.
"I will devour you," he said, seeming to stare right through Max. "Take all the pain away. I cannot keep my hand from reaching out so that I can empower you for all eternity. It seems to ease my mind to know that you brought meaning to my life."
"Oh, my god. You really have gone insane, haven't you?"
Josh didn't answer. He came back to reality and rushed up to Max's face.
"I hate you! I hate you! I swear to god I hate you!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. His voice lowered a bit. "Oh, my god, I love you!"
"You really are sick. You need some help."
"You're going to help me, Max," Josh said.
He threw the gun to the ground and replaced it with a pocket knife. There was now fear in Max's eyes as he realized for the first time that he was going to die.
"What are you going to do with that?"
"You'll see," Josh replied as he reached up to Max's face with the knife.
He pushed the tip of the sharp blade into the flesh just below Max's hairline and began slicing toward the side of his head. Max let out a blood-curdling scream as blood started to run down his forehead and into his eyes.
"What are you doing?!" Max screamed to Josh.
"Just like cutting a warm knife through butter," was all Josh said.
He was now headed toward Max's left ear. He sliced down and under the chin and back up past the right ear until he came to where he had started.
"Perfect," he said to himself as he put the bloody pocket knife away.
He reached up to Max's hairline with both hands and put his fingers underneath the warm flesh. He began to pull gently. Max screamed even louder as his skin separated from the muscle. Josh continued to pull until he had completed peeled Max's face off. He turned it around and placed it over his own face as if it were a Halloween mask. The blood acted as glue and it stayed in place.
"How the fuck could you do this to me? How the fuck could you do this to me?" Max screamed as he stared at his own face on Josh's body.
"You did it. It's your fault," Josh said through Max's lips. "Oh, my god, I'm cracking up. Get a grip, Josh. Max? Hey, Max!"
Max's chin fell silently to his chest and he knew no more.
The Stalker
Hello, there. My name is Darla. I'd like to tell you a story about when I was twelve years old and in the sixth grade. Those were the good old days, weren't they? Well, maybe for you, but not for me. I had a lot of bad things happen to me when I was twelve. This story is about one of those things.
I had my typical crush on a crude thirteen-year-old boy named Elias. By the way, this all happened to me after his friend, Andy, made suggestive comments to me about what Elias wanted to do to me. After that, I was really scared. But that's a different story. This one is about the time Elias stalked me.
Back then, Elias and I rode the same bus home after school. One day, I decided to get off at his house. It was probably the second time I had done so. Everyone on the bus was cheering and chanting my name, and I liked the attention. I guess that's why I did it.
After the bus left and Elias had gone into his house, I began to walk home. I was half a block from my apartment building when I had a feeling I was being followed. I'd had a lot of those feelings back then, and they were almost always wrong. So I expected to see nothing as I turned around, but was surprised to see Elias's family van following slowly behind me.
Suddenly, the van pulled up to the curb in front of me. As soon as it stopped, Elias got out of the passenger side and started barreling toward me. I was frozen stiff. I didn't know what to do. All I remember thinking was, "He's going to hurt me. The bastard's going to hurt me."
He pushed me up against a tree and grabbed both of my wrists. I tried to scream, but nothing came out. No one was around to help me anyway. The driver of the van was staying put. Elias moved his body closer to mine to prevent me from moving, He brushed his lips against my left cheek as he whispered in my ear.
"You keep asking for something, you're eventually gonna get it," he said. "This is the icing on the top of the cake, sugar. You're gonna get what's coming to you, and I'm gonna give it to you."
I tried to knee him in the groin, but I couldn't move my legs. I was completely trapped. He sensed my attempt and let go of my left wrist just long enough to deliver a quick, hard slap to my face.
"You do that again, and you'll be even more sorry than you already are," he breathed into my face.
Then, without another word, he opened the passenger door of the van, got in, and was gone before my brain could really register what had just happened. The next day at school, he acted as if nothing had happened. From then on, I kept my distance from him the best I could.