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💭Jenna: All of my life work... It's paying off. The Volkovs were the first piece of the puzzle. The final curtain shall close...

Jenna: Hi, Nikita, sorry I'm a little bit late, are you ready to continue?

*Nikita stares deeply into Jenna's eyes*

Nikita: ...I am.

After the summer in 2002, during the autumn season, a new business acquired the chem business I was working for.

It was yet another stepping stone to the breaking point.

Another job... down the drain.

  • 👉The Buyout → Go to Page 2.

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*Phone rings*

Pavel: Nikita, you want to get that?

*Phone rings again*

Vlad: Hi Nikita, this is Vlad, I spoke with you before the buyout.

Nikita: Yeah, how are you Vlad?

Vlad: Great. You won't need to come into work anymore, thank you.

Nikita: Wait, what? They told me I'd be getting a raise and full-time. What is this?

Vlad: You're fired, Nikita. I don't need to give you a reason.

*Vlad hangs up*

Nikita: Pavel... looks like we're living off of your gym job.

Pavel: Huh? They fired you!?

Nikita: Mhmm...

Pavel: I'm so tired of being broke, I make nothing being a trainer at the gym...

Nikita: Just when we thought we weren't going to be broke... I get fired.

Pavel: What are you going to tell Maya?

Nikita: I'm not sure... but I guess I'll start looking for a new job.

  • 👉Call Maya → Go to Page 3.

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*Call Maya*

*Wait for a response*

Maya: Hey, I'm glad you called, I've had a rough day...

Nikita: Rough day? What happened?

Maya: Yeah... one of my friends at university told me that she wanted to commit suicide.

Nikita: I'm so sorry, Maya, that's a very difficult situation.

Maya: I never knew she was so upset, I should have seen it...

Nikita: Don't blame yourself, you're doing the best you can.

Maya: At least now I know about it, I can help her now.

Nikita: That's true.

*Keep listening*

Maya: But yeah, so how was your day?

Nikita: Nothing... new... You and your friend have a strong bond, never let go of that, it's rare in this life.

Maya: I know, I love her. She's my best friend.

Nikita: There are low points and high points, but overall, the future is bright.

Maya: Considering all of what you endured as a kid, it's impressive you can say that.

Nikita: Feel better, Maya. I'm really sorry about your friend. It'll get better. I should go.

Maya: Okay, are we still hanging out tomorrow?

Nikita: Yes, of course, I will see you then!

  • 👉Talking with Pavel → Go to Page 4.

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Pavel: Don't worry about your job, brother.

Nikita: I don't like easy... but sometimes I wish life was easier.

Pavel: All that happened and will happen, happens for a reason.

Nikita: Very optimistic of you...

Pavel: You've always been my better half...

Nikita: What? What are you talking about, we are the same.

Pavel: I never met anyone smarter than you.

Nikita: I could say the same about you.

*Pavel smiles*

Pavel: So what was up with Maya?

Nikita: Her friend... She's suicidal, but let's not get into it...

*Pavel brings his hand to his chin*

Nikita: Forensics...

Pavel: Forensics?

Nikita: Yep... forensics.