Case 19
Coup de Grace
Pᴀɢᴇ 1
The time has come to infiltrate the asylum. We need to set up a perimeter, and we will have snipers watching the roof. We will send Nikita in and once he comes out and gives us the signal we will raid the asylum.
- 👉Continue → Go to Page 2.
Pᴀɢᴇ 2
Natalie: The perimeter is being set as we speak. The snipers are getting into position so they have a clear line of sight to the roof of the asylum.
Nikita: I will go inside the headquarters and come out smoking a cigarette if the plan is still ready to go.
You could also consider entering the building from the roof itself, he would never suspect an attack from there.
If I don't come out within 10 minutes, I'm probably dead... in which case, Snow will likely run to his helicopter.
Natalie: The snipers will keep an eye on the roof and we can scan the building to see where the men are. I will take 3 officers and enter the asylum from floor 1.
I'll radio you from inside the asylum if there are any complications. Also, keep an infrared scan on the headquarters just in case.
Enacting the Plan
- 💬Natalie, let me be the one to go inside. You had a pretty rough day yesterday... → Go to Page 3.
- 💬The infrared scan picked up heat signatures on floor 5, there seem to still be a total of 6 people inside. → Go to Page 4.
- 💬I'll keep an eye on Nikita, you just make sure to capture Snow. → Go to Page 5.
Pᴀɢᴇ 3 → [Enacting the Plan]
Natalie, let me be the one to go inside. You had a pretty rough day yesterday...
Natalie: I need to do this. I want to finish this once and for all. I think I'll take a long vacation after this one. This was intense, to say the least.
After all of this is over, I'd like to tell you a secret I've been keeping locked away for a while...
Pᴀɢᴇ 4 → [Enacting the Plan]
The infrared scan picked up heat signatures on floor 5, there seem to still be a total of 6 people inside.
Natalie: Sounds good, I'll get the team in position, and we'll wait on Nikita's signal.
After all of this is over, I'd like to tell you a secret I've been keeping locked away for a while...
Pᴀɢᴇ 5 → [Enacting the Plan]
I'll keep an eye on Nikita, you just make sure to capture Snow.
Natalie: Partner, we will go down in history for this one...
After all of this is over, I'd like to tell you a secret I've been keeping locked away for a while...