Pᴀɢᴇ 1 → Past

Pavel: Nikita! Get up! There's a vehicle outside and someone set off my tripwire!

Nikita: No one lives on the second floor of this unit except us... They're coming to kill me... We need to think quickly!

Pavel: It's probably the same man that was sent to kill Officer Lev. We need to jump out of the window.

Just dangle off the edge of the window then climb down, we should be fine. We need to move NOW!

*Nikita opens the window*

  • 👉Present → Go to Page 2.

Pᴀɢᴇ 2

Jenna: They sent an assassin to kill you? This is just insane...

Nikita: Insane probably isn't the correct word... but yes, an assassin was sent to take my life.

  • 👉Past → Go to Page 3.

Pᴀɢᴇ 3

*Pavel looks back at the apartment*

Pavel: This should be far enough...

Nikita: Look... our window is lit up, they turned on the lights. You were right... they were coming to kill me.

Pavel: It's 3:30 AM, do you think we can take our car, and just leave now? Or will they see us?

Nikita: So, my gut is telling me that our car is bugged and/or rigged with an explosive...

Pavel: Right... yeah, let's not use the car.

Nikita: Pavel... I have to see Maya. I have to tell her I'm leaving.

Pavel: Nikita... it's so risky.

Nikita: Emotions make us stupid, and I know this... but it doesn't mean I can fully control them.

Pavel: I know, I know, alright, let's make our way over there.

I suppose this was the moment we became the vigilante Volkov brothers.

  • 👉Talk to Pavel → Go to Page 4.

Pᴀɢᴇ 4

Pavel: Now we're really on the run...

Nikita: There's no time to lose.

Public transportation... Let's get a taxi.

Pavel: Right, I don't think the trains or buses are operational at this hour.

*Pavel flags down a taxi*

Nikita: Alright, let's go.

  • 👉Maya's Apartment → Go to Page 5.

Pᴀɢᴇ 5

*Knock on Maya's door*

*No answer*

Wait a second... Did they get to Maya, did they hurt her!?

*Pound on Maya's door*

*Footsteps behind the door*

*The door opens*

*Give a confused look*

Unknown Man: Who the hell are you...?

Nikita: I could ask you the same thing...

*Yell out*

Nikita: Maya! What the hell is this!?

*Maya comes to the door*

Maya: Nikita... I...

*She looks down*

*Look at the man then look at Maya*

Nikita: I see...

*Turn around and start walking away*

Maya: Nikita, wait! Wait! Just wait!

*Slowly turn back around and stare into Maya's eyes*

Maya: I'm sorry, I should have told you. I just didn't know how. I'm so sorry... I just...

Nikita: Actions speak louder than words, my love.

Maya: I feel so terrible. I never wanted to hurt you. I didn't know what to do! I felt like our relationship was slowly falling apart after all the stress your police job was giving you... You just weren't the same! But I didn't know how to tell you because I knew that job was giving you a purpose!

*Look deeply into her eyes*

Nikita: I came here to tell you... Well, it doesn't matter anymore.

*Sadness covers Maya's face*

Nikita: I lost you.. I lost... someone who didn't love me. But Maya, you lost so much more. You lost someone who truly loved you.

It pains me so much... I feel true physical pain in my stomach, Maya, and the most difficult thing to do right now is... walk away. But often times, the right thing to do is the hardest thing to do.

*Turn around and exit the building*

*Walk back outside to Pavel*

  • 👉After the Break-Up → Go to Page 6.

Pᴀɢᴇ 6

Pavel: How'd it go?

Nikita: It was... painful.

Pavel: Well, I'm glad you got to see her one last time.

*Stare off into the rain*

Pavel: I'm sorry, brother... I wish I could help you.

*The raindrops mask your tears*

Pavel: Well, shall we?

*Continue staring off into the distance*

*Pavel puts his arm around you*

Nikita: I'm not leaving, brother...

Pavel: What??? We have to, brother, they'll kill us.

Nikita: I'm taking everything from this place... because it took everything from me.

Pavel: I'm not sure I follow.

Nikita: You said Kostya got a briefcase of money, right?

Pavel: Yeah...

Nikita: Well... I'm going to take it.

Pavel: I can't say that's a good idea... We shouldn't, we should just leave.

Nikita: I'm not leaving before I even the scales.

  • 👉Even the Scales → Go to Page 7.

Pᴀɢᴇ 7

Pavel: You want to steal Kostya's money? It's blood money anyway, Nikita!

Nikita: We steal it, and we run, and we live a great life.

Pavel: Oh, jeez, alright. You know I'd follow you into anything so, okay, let's do this.

Nikita: Let's do this.