Object 619
The Holder of the Holocaust
In any synagogue, anywhere, enter while you and the Rabbi are alone. When he acknowledges your presence, tell him that you want to see "The Holder of the Holocaust". He will put a grim expression on his face as the synagogue suddenly begins to fill with poisonous gas. Do not attempt to run or exit. Let the gas fill your body.
When you are an inch from death, you will be transported to a Nazi concentration camp. The Rabbi will be there with you. Follow him, and make sure you do not look at the guards or do anything to draw attention to yourself. The victims of this camp are Seekers who locked eyes with one of the SS troopers. You will travel throughout the camp, its horrors on prominent display. You will gaze upon every bunk where a failed Seeker waits to die, every pit where a screaming body burns, every guillotine where a head falls, and every gas chamber where your fellows suffocate. Do not express emotion, or else you will become a prisoner of the camp. The Rabbi will finally walk toward the Commandant's office after you have witnessed every horror. He will stand beside the door and motion for you to enter.
The Holder of the Holocaust is the camp's Commandant. He sits doing paperwork, seemingly without registering that you exist. Say nothing to him. Let him finish his paperwork. When he is done, he will ask you why you are in his office, in whatever language you speak. You must tell him that you want the power of the Fuhrer. He will sigh and tell you to come closer. When you get close to his desk he will take off his black Iron Cross and give it to you. Be careful, because when you attempt to leave, he will pull his handgun and try to kill you. You must fight for your life, take his gun, and kill him. If you do, you will find yourself outside the synagogue with the cross in your hand. The Iron Cross is Object 619 of 2538. It will allow you to lead, but to places you may not want to go.