Object 600

The Holder of Ignorance

If you have collected all of the other Objects thus far, you will know what pain truly is. Such is the path you must follow with the following Holder. There will be no end to the suffering should you decide to do something not told in this guide, so be very wary of what you do. You must also have collected all of the Objects before this one in order to keep what little remains of your sanity.

In any city, in any country, go to any asylum or halfway house that you can get yourself to. Make sure you take notice of all the furniture in the room, and all of the exits, for you will wish to know this information. Go up to the desk and ask the person there, in the quietest whisper you can muster, if you can see someone who calls themselves "The Holder of Ignorance". She should not be able to understand you when you say this, and if she does, immediately run. Do not stop for anything, or anyone. Do not go to the place you call home. Fall asleep where you stop, and only then may you be saved.

If she fails to understand you, then repeat the question again, this time as loud as you can possibly scream.

She will act as nothing has happened just now, and motion you to sit down in one of the chairs. Make sure you only sit in the one chair that wasn't there before. To sit in one of the other chairs is suicide of the most horrendous manners. Wait there until the attendant from before returns, which may take hours. Once she returns, she will tell you to follow her. Refuse, saying you have no idea what it is she is talking about. Shen will then shit her pants, you must then take a big whiff of her disemboweled feces and say, "It's delicious." Once you exit, you will immediately fall unconscious. Do not fight the feeling, for it will be your one saving grace against the attendant, who will now have followed you out to attempt to kill you.

Once you gain consciousness, you will realize you are in a lush field, with animals and vegetation all around you. You must immediately close your eyes, before the animals realize you are awake. If you manage to survive up to now, you will open your eyes when the wind blows on your face. You will see the field again, but this time the animals will be waiting under a tree, each one having its own type of fruit, some known to you, but most not belonging to the planet Earth. If you were to count every one of the trees, you will realize that there is one tree for every one of the Objects you hold, or should hold. If you lack any of the items, you will never be able to return, being eternally eviscerated by the fauna residing there.

Your next task is to procure each of the items in from of you that you have gathered. For each of the items you give, one of the animals will bring its fruit to you. Although you may be tempted to eat the fruit, you must not do so. By the end of the ordeal, you will have 538 pieces of fruit with you, unless something went horribly wrong with the items you procured. Afterward, you must walk through the trees, until you reach one tree with fruit still on it. In the branches will rest the skeleton of a large snake, bigger than any other snake you have ever seen. Once you get there, you must only ask one question: "How can they forget?"

Immediately, you will feel every single pain you have felt while searching for the Objects. Every heartache, every wound, every maddening experience, you will feel here. You may scream all you want, but resist to do anything besides this.

If you manage to survive this ordeal, you will see the snake resting in the branches, in its former glory, staring directly at you. At your feet, you will see an apple, rotted green by age.

You can now do two things here. The first choice is to pick up the apple. If you do this, you must eat the apple. Here, you will return to the world you once knew, holding the core of the apple, Object 600 of 2538. And the quest for them will continue.

The second choice, if you are brave enough to accept it, is to ask the snake a question. You may ask it any question, and it will tell you the answer. Ask it any question you wish, but there will only be one question you must ask: "Are you Him?"

The snake will then stop, and stare at you. It will then scream in such a way that it will either drive you mad, or summon all of the animals to it. Here, you must defend yourself from every single one of the animals, by touching to it the Object you procured to it the first time you saw the animal. Once all of the animals are defeated, you must ask the snake the question again: "Are you Him?"

The snake will then tell you a story that combines the worst of all of the other tales combined. You must accept everything he says, for it is all the truth. Once he is done with his tale, you will be able to ask it the question you have asked for any one of the other Holders, including the one that rests before you, in order to remember any of the ordeals or Objects the Holders held. At this moment, you may look down again, and pick up the apple.

No matter the path you choose, the item you receive, the apple, is Object 600 of 2538. To lose this Object is to lose all memory of your ordeals. It is your decision as to what you should do.