Object 586

The Holder of Aging

In the place you call home, wait 'til sunrise and walk into your bathroom. Stand about two feet from the mirror and say to your reflection that you would like to see "The Holder of Aging". Should your reflection slightly smirk and walk away, you have come at the wrong time, and you will be tortured by your reflection in ways that can't be described in any human text.

But if your reflection sits down and tells you to proceed carefully, heed this warning and walk out the door.

If you're in the first house you ever lived in, you can relax for now. If the door leads anywhere else, no matter how tranquil the area seems, yell at the top of your lungs, "I know I'm not long for this world, but don't let it end here." Then quickly turn around. If the door is there, you may continue. If the door isn't there, sit down and accept your fate. You may pray for a quick death, but it's likely that it won't be granted.

The house will be empty. Walk into the living room and sit there until sunset. You may watch TV but the shows will be in a language you've never heard of, and trying to comprehend it will drive you mad.

At sunset, go to your old room. Knock five times, no more, no less. If you hear a voice also whimpering for you to come in, quickly run in and DO NOT LOOK BACK. It's better if I don't tell you why. You will see a younger version of yourself frantically cleaning an already spotless room. The walls will be filled with awards for things you have never done, but wish you had. Don't speculate on the awards for too long. Stand in the center of the room and ask the question: "Do They age as we age?"

Your younger self will stop cleaning and turn toward you. The Holder's eyes will turn blood-red and the room will slowly morph. The walls will rot and mold, and the awards will turn to severed limbs. It will then open its mouth as if to answer, but will then pull out a coin from a void where its mouth should be.

Your mind will give you a vision of your face when you die, or what's left of it. Your vision will be strong and cause you to faint.

You will wake up in your bathroom, clenching the coin with your dominant hand.

The coin will be regular currency in others' eyes, but will look demonic and evil in yours.

The coin is Object 586 of 2538.

You have seen yourself dead. This is now your fate. Don't try to avoid it.