Pᴀɢᴇ 1

Jenna: So, London is next?

Nikita: The first time we went to London was after St. Petersburg in 2004. But later in 2016, we returned.

Jenna: There are still so many years until now. But I feel like I've already heard the story of a lifetime. What else is there?

Nikita: I'll let you in on a hint: The chaos never ends.

*Nikita's mind wanders off...*

💭Nikita: Collapsing into the constellation of our bloodline.

The screams of the past lurk within your mind.

As you move along the darkest roads of this storyline.

We tried to lead ourselves astray.

But inevitably, we found ourselves staring...

At an ominous gateway.

Attempting to break free... But just look around you, brother.

Dare to stare vividly into the past.

And you'll see that good things...

Never Last.

Life's greatest mystery...

Unveiled in the shadows of our history.

So now we know...

Jenna: Nikita? Nikita???

*Nikita opens his eyes*

Nikita: Yes?

Jenna: I said your name like 10 times, are you okay?

Nikita: Am I okay?

Jenna: Should we take a break?

*Nikita nods*

Jenna: Okay, I can bring you some food and water.

Nikita: Don't worry about it. I'll see you tomorrow, Jenna.